The City of Lakewood Development Services will be holding a public hearing for permit number 3755- Interlaaken Estates – Preliminary Plat. The project proposes subdividing a 2.43-acre lot located at 8002 112th Street SW (APN 0219102011) into eleven (11) single-family residential lots. The subject property is located within the Residential 3 (R3) zoning district.
When: Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM
Place: Lakewood City Hall Gravelly Lake (first floor Meeting Room) 6000 Main Street SW Lakewood, WA 98499 also via zoom.
All persons wishing to submit written comment on this project prior to the public hearing may do by August 15, 2023. Written comments may also be submitted at the hearing and interested parties may testify at the public hearing.
The project files are available upon request. A copy of the staff report will be available for review through the Community Development Department five calendar days prior to the public hearing.
Until further notice, residents can virtually attend the referenced Public Hearing by watching it live on the city’s YouTube channel: Those who do not have access to YouTube can call in to listen by telephone at +1(253) 215- 8782 and by entering Webinar ID: 819 2049 6021 and Passcode: 157418.
To participate in Public Comment and/or Public Testimony:
Public Comments and Public Testimony on Public Hearings will be accepted by mail, email or by live virtual comment. Send comments by mail or email to Ramon Rodriguez, Associate Planner, at 6000 Main Street SW Lakewood, WA 98499 or Comments received up to one hour before the meeting will be provided to the Hearing Examiner electronically.
Virtual Comments: If you would like to provide live Public Comments or Public Testimony during the meeting, you will need to join the Zoom meeting as an attendee by calling by telephone Dial +1(253) 215- 8782 and enter participant ID: 819 2049 6021 and Passcode: 157418 or by visiting (
By Phone: For those participating by calling in by telephone (+1(253) 215- 8782 and enter participant ID: 819 2049 6021 and Passcode: 157418, the Project Planner will call on you during the Public Comment portion of the Public Hearing. When you are unmuted please provide your name and city of residence. Each speaker will be allowed (3) three minutes to speak during the Public Comment and at each Public Hearing.
By ZOOM: For those using the ZOOM link
Upon entering the meeting, please enter your name or other chosen identifier. Use the “Raise Hand” feature to be called upon by the Project Planner during the Public Comment portion of the Public Hearing. When you are unmuted, please provide your name and city of residence. Each speaker will be allowed (3) three minutes to speak during the Public Comment and at each Public Hearing.
Outside of Public Comments and Public Hearings, all attendees on ZOOM will continue to have the ability to virtually raise your hand for the duration of the meeting. You will not be acknowledged, and your microphone will remain muted except for when you are called upon.
I expect the restrictions on cutting down trees to apply to developers the same as it applies to homeowners in Lakewood. Or is the city going to allow clear-cutting as they did on the corner of Gravelly Lake and Washington Blvd, and Gravelly Lake and Veterans Drive?