Author Gene Hill lives with his wife, Sandy, in Kitsap County, Washington State. He used to define and design new computer chips for the Intel Corporation; PC Magazine honored him as Unsung Hero and Person of the Year for two of his designs. In retirement, Gene and Sandy founded and run a non-profit educating on Internet safety and keeping children safe from sex traffickers. During Covid, they wrote an award-winning book on Internet safety. Gene began drafting a high-tech murder mystery about twenty years ago as he commuted to work on a train; it was published in 2018 and won in the 2018 Royal Dragonfly Contest. In 2021 the Internet safety book won in two non-fiction categories in the same contest. Gene is a member of the Kitsap Literary Artists and Writers (KLAW). When Gene is not writing, he enjoys photography. He illustrated his wife’s latest book, “Seed, Plant, Harvest,” using photographic techniques. Gene also likes sailing on Puget Sound.
Which genres do you cover?
Gene Hill: Fiction: high-tech mysteries; non-fiction: internet safety and domestic minor sex trafficking.

Which is the latest book you had published, and what is about?
Gene Hill: Its title says all, “Parents, Technology, Lawmakers, Let’s Keep Children Safe on the Internet.”
At which book events can readers find you?
Gene Hill: I plan to do many KLAW events this summer and farmers markets.
Which book event connecting you with readers is your favorite and why?
Gene Hill: KLAW events feature several authors and attract serious readers. I enjoy being with other authors.
Do you have any specific messages to your readers, and if so, which are they?
Gene Hill: Find good authors that you enjoy but make you think. Don’t settle for junk.
Which writer(s) keep(s) inspiring you and why?
Gene Hill: We rarely watch American cookie-cutter/formula TV and movies. UK and EU have some writers with unique approaches and scenarios that we enjoy.
Do you have specific writing habits?
Gene Hill: I sit and blast out a chapter or two when I have time. Then I edit in the evenings.

What are you currently working on?
Gene Hill: I have sketched out five or six novellas to follow the two tech mysteries. All I need is time. Sandy and I are writing an updated Internet safety book, “Internet Safety FAQs.”
Which book are you currently reading simply for entertainment?
Gene Hill: While driving around, I’m listening to Anne Hillerman’s “The Sacred Bridge.” She follows her father’s tradition of writing mysteries set in the Navajo culture. It’s interesting to compare her style to her father’s.
What advice would you give any aspiring author?
Gene Hill: Read a book or watch a show you enjoyed. Then summarize it in 3-10 pages. Next, do the same for your book before you start. Then write it. Many new writers just start writing and paint themselves into a corner; I did. Then pay a contextual editor to go through your book. Then rewrite it. Concentrate on your characters, their voices, and where they are in their life’s journey.
You can find Gene’s books on his website, http://www.genehill-writer.com/p/bookstore.html, and on Amazon (NOT the outdoor book author!)