Take a few minutes to enjoy this beautiful video of Barbara Lee’s garden, one of the featured stops on the 2023 Garden Tour sponsored by the U.P. Historical Society.
Lee’s garden is full of beauty and whimsy. From the Happy Place children’s space to water features and international touches such as Japanese maples, pagodas and even a small Buddhist Zen garden, the oasis is full of unique touches. These include a Deer Rest Stop, which is a feeding and watering hole for deer that has earned Lee’s garden certification from the National Wildlife Federation for its commitment to providing food, water, cover and a place for wildlife to rear their young.
The 2023 Garden Tour was sponsored by Karen Bellamy, Frank and Cindy Bonaro, Gray Lumber, Columbia Bank, Seattle Seahawks, Michael Morrison Sotheby’s International Realty, UP Refuse and Recycling, Linda and Albert Bird, Don and Donna Perry, and Suburban Optical. The event also had numerous individual donors. Thank you to all who help bring this cherished rite of spring to U.P.
Barbara your gardens are beautiful. Thank you for embracing our native plants and the importance of habitat for wildlife.
I echo Mr. Anderson, your garden is absolutely gorgeous. I love how you’ve made nature your focal point.
Love Barbara Lee’s garden. Such an inspiration to all the gardeners out there. Thank you!