I have been studying Tai Chi for 20 years. Any minute now, I should get better at it.

Summer starts on Wednesday June 21, ready or not. Right away, without apology, the days will get shorter but these also are traditionally the days for trying new activities. There’s a great opportunity for us to sample new/ancient arts from the Far East. Outdoor Tai Chi at Titlow Park here in Pierce County on Fridays during summer and a rare chance to sample Butoh Performance Art in Seattle on in a new performance, Shimmer, June 30 and July 1 at YAW Theater Seattle.
Shimmer, is a special event compiled by Helen Thorsen who has been a recognizable guiding light in Butoh performance art since 1980. Helen performed her first butoh work in 1981 at her graduate performance at Columbia College. After moving to Seattle partnering and dancing with Alan Sutherland, she began butoh studies with Joan Laage becoming a founding member of her company Dappin’ Butoh for nine years. In 1999 with long time dance partner in crime they formed lastleg (which over the years morphed into the Brittle Sisters) to produce their butoh and aerial work. In 2011 at the Boulder Butoh Festival after many round table discussions she joined DAIPANbutoh Collective and is their general manager. She helped create DAIPAN’s first Seattle butoh Fest. Her work has been performed in Chicago, Seattle, London and Chile.

Just think, I found her in my Tai Chi class.
DAIPANbutoh Collective’s, The Brittle Sisters and helenthorsendances is combining to bring stimulating, provocative, and exceptional performances, workshops, and forums to the diverse communities of the Northwest and beyond. Featuring a dance based on a 500 year old Noh Play, a dance inspired by the last Haiku of 17th century Japanese poetess Shushiki, and a dance about women and Salmon is just a taste of the dances on Friday and Saturday of Shimmer Summer Butoh Fest. Empowering local and global artists, the group provides opportunities for national and international artists to work together in an environment for growth, creativity, social justice, and transformation. Their latest summer production of Shimmer brings the eight top local artists together to show exciting work of Butoh Dances. There has been interest in carpooling. Let us know if you’re interested.
Information: 206.226.9485 https://helenthorsendances.com
Performances at 8:00 PM Friday June 30 and Saturday July 1, YAW Theater in Seattle.
For tickets: https://www.universe.com/events/shimmer-seattle-summer-butoh-fest-2023-june-30th-july-1st-tickets-RC6Y1K
DAIPAN is supported by: Shunpike, 4Culture, and The Office of Arts and Culture Seattle.

Closer to home: Tai Chi in the Park with longtime local Tai Chi instructor Larry Francis on Friday mornings. Francis describes the schedule as follows:
Meet at the Titlow Park basketball court, across from the lodge on Friday mornings for Tai Chi practice. Cane practice is from 10 to 10:30, 24 Posture Tai Chi (Beijing style) practice – 10:30 to 11, Tai Chi (37 posture) practice – 11 to noon, and Sword practice from noon to 12:30. If it’s raining, stay home for independent practice.
Info: Dorothy@Swimmingupstream.com or 1-800-548-9264