Washington State Achievement Council announcement.
May 29 is National 529 Day, the day designated each year for 529 education savings plans across the country to recognize and communicate the importance of preparing financially for future education costs. Washington Governor Jay Inslee has also proclaimed Monday, May 29, “529 College Savings Day” in the state of Washington.
This year, Americans also recognize Memorial Day on May 29. “I think it’s fitting that as we honor the past we are also looking to the future,” said Luke Minor, WA529 Director. “529 Day provides a great opportunity to remind families how easy it is to start their savings journey and to give their student a head start at life beyond high school.”
Later this year, the GET program (Guaranteed Education Tuition), will celebrate its 25th year as Washington’s 529 prepaid tuition plan. This year also marks five years since the State launched the DreamAhead College Investment Plan as a complement to GET to create additional choice and flexibility for families as they plan for future education costs.
“We encourage families to start saving early and regularly contribute what they can comfortably afford,” said Minor. “When their student is ready to begin college or career-readiness training after high school, funds saved in a 529 plan like GET or DreamAhead will be there to help pay the costs and reduce reliance on student loans.”
The annual GET enrollment deadline is fast approaching on Wednesday, May 31. You can open a new DreamAhead account year-round.
To help ring in 529 Day, on May 29, WA529 will reveal the winners of the 2nd Annual WA529 “What’s Your Dream Job” art contest. The contest for Washington students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade inspires kids to think about their future and create a piece of art depicting their future dream career as an adult. Thirteen winners (one in each grade level) were selected from a field of nearly 800 entrants.
WA529’s website (529.wa.gov) offers details, charts, planning tools, and answers to questions that families may have about either program. Accounts can be opened online, and the GET Contact Center is ready to help at (800) 955-2318 or GETInfo@wsac.wa.gov.