Submitted by Tom Riggs.
What is the American Legion and what do they do locally? More importantly, why should you care? Increased hyper-partisanship in our federal government is creating shockwaves throughout the economy but potentially hardest hit will be government workers, Military, Retirees, Veterans and those on Social Security. The American Legion has the biggest voice in our nation’s capital when it comes to protecting the interests of Veterans, their Families, and their Survivors. And often, we are the first ones to respond when a local Veteran needs assistance. Even if the debt ceiling is raised, the repercussions will linger, possibly affecting personal finances for quite a while.
The last time the government shut down because of a budget impasse, federal workers were furloughed, but most military members were able to continue drawing their monthly paychecks. But not the 41,000 members of the Coast Guard. The American Legion stepped in and provided over one million dollars in grants to Coast Guard Families so they could keep their lives on track. Additionally, the American Legion has provided over 16 million dollars to needy families in the form of Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) grants since the program’s inception. Membership in the American Legion can be a huge benefit to Military and Veteran Families in times of emergency.
The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 and is the nation’s largest veteran’s service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsoring wholesome programs in our communities. The American Legion is a nonpartisan, not for-profit organization with great political influence perpetuated by its grass-roots involvement in the legislative process from local districts to Capitol Hill. The Legion stands behind the issues most important to the nation’s Veteran community.
What does the Pat Tillman Memorial American Legion Post 53 do locally?
- Has an active Service Officer providing assistance to local Veterans and families, including VA claims assistance.
- Corporate sponsor of Boy Scout Troop and Cub Scout Pack 472.
- Sponsor Patriot League baseball team.
- Provide Color Guard team locally for special events and parades.
- Award School Medal Awards to one boy and one girl in graduating 5th, 8th and 12th grades.
- Make regular donations to Fisher House on JBLM.
- Participate in Veterans Gift Shops for patients and residents at American Lake VA Hospital and Orting Soldiers Home.
- Recognize local First Responders for actions above and beyond regular duties.
- Have American Flags for sale and will properly dispose of worn Flags.
- Sponsor High School Students for the Constitutional Speech Contest with 4 finalists receiving scholarships of $2,000, $1,500, $1,000 and $500. National winners receive up to $20,000 in scholarships
You can “see our hats” at many of the civic events around the town, including the annual massing of the colors, Memorial Day observances, 4th of July, Patriot’s Day each September 11th, Veterans’ Day, Wreaths Across America, and of course one of the biggest BBQ celebrations in the Northwest the 3rd weekend of each August. Come join us. It’s fun, it’s easy, and it does make a difference.
If your membership has lapsed or if you have never been a Legion member, now is the time. It is fast and easy. For more information or help signing up, please email
Thank you for posting and reminding people about the American Legion’s purpose.
Many have no idea, and Iam glad you have brought it forward for everyone to read. I worked at Post 68 in Bremerton years ago, and it was an experience I can add to my repetoire with pride.
Thanks again.