A Clover Park School District story.

Our CPSD Staff Spotlight this week features Lakes High School main office receptionist Jessica Atwood-Mann.
Jessica joined Lakes over a year ago after working as an attendance secretary and receptionist at Mann and Thomas middle schools. She previously had other job experiences in the past but is glad she found a career in education. “I love being at Lakes with this age group,” she said. “My favorite part of the day is getting to know the students and their stories.”
As a receptionist, the first thing Jessica must do each day is prepare substitutes for different classes, which requires great efficiency and organizational skills. “I have to make sure each substitute feels prepared to teach their class, and I also have to find out who needs coverage because a substitute was unavailable,” she said. “Sometimes that can create a time crunch for me to find teachers to cover everybody.”
Once students enter the building, Jessica handles many tasks, including answering phone calls, supporting students, collecting attendance, opening the doors for guests and other means of support. “I don’t have a role with one or two specific tasks because I help everyone out as backup support,” she said. “I have to know a little bit of everyone else’s job and be prepared to help with anything, but I love that I don’t do the same thing over and over.”
Jessica excels in her position because she is a great multitasker and cares deeply for each student and family member that enters Lakes. She goes above and beyond before the school year even starts by going through the attendance list for the entire school and memorizing the names and faces of each student. “I love getting to know each student and family member here and greeting them with their name right away,” she said.