Submitted by Nancy Henderson.
On short notice, there are two opportunities this week to help make a difference in our parks.
Saltars Point Park. Tuesday, 23 May, from 0800 to 1000. Help rid the park of green alkanet and tansy ragwort. The alkanet requires a shovel or light pickax. Often the tansy can be removed by hand, but sometimes must be dug out. Bring your own tools if you like. Shovels/gloves will be on hand. There is a legal requirement to remove tansy ragwort. Hand removal will eliminate the need to apply herbicide at this location. Gloves and long sleeves are highly recommended.
Farrells Marsh Park, Chambers Street entrance. Thursday, 25 May from 0800 to 1000. As predicted, the unwanted weeds are trying to regain lost territory among the trees we planted in the fall. Blackberry plants will be dug out while they are still small, as well as green alkanet. Any plants encroaching on the caged planted trees will be removed. Native plants will be kept in place, as they ideally will repopulate the area.