City of Tacoma announcement.
“We have made historic investments in community safety. Although we have much work ahead of us, we continue to see crime trending down overall. Although we are at 15 homicides so far in 2023 – which is still deeply troubling – we see that violent crime has dropped by 18.1 percent this year over last. Property crime has dropped 25 percent this year over last. We are working with our community to address the issue of community safety collaboratively and holistically. As we all know, community safety is not exclusively a police issue. It takes all of us working together. The development of our Community Safety Strategy will be guided by the voices and perspectives of all community members. Outreach and engagement efforts will start in earnest in the coming months, and our goal is to have a Community Safety Strategy in place by the end of the year.”
This town has so much crime, graffiti, open drug use, mentally ill homeless. I don’t even recognize it anymore. And to say crime is down 18% when all you did was reclassify drive by shootings as vandalisms is dishonest and desperate.
The business community is in tatters and your anti police polices and lack of crime action have helped create this disaster.
This city is gutted and a shell of what it was 5 years ago.
Washington St was closed yesterday afternoon after a homeless person was run over by a car for the second time. For a second time in one day. Day before, it was closed for an accident caused by a homeless person aimlessly crossing the street and the car dodging them. Day before that, closed again as a user nodded off while driving away after getting their fix.
3 day sample is indicative of the city ran by this government.
What do we pay you for?
When the problem is so obvious, you paper over it with statistics that don’t match the lived experience.
That’s not solving anything.
The new normal of taComa stinks – literally.