Lakewood United announcement.
Lakewood United: Caring for Kids: Community Support for Our Youth. The public is invited to join Lakewood United on Thursday, May 18 at 6:00 pm at Pierce College, Fort Steilacoom Campus, Olympic Bldg., Room 102; Time 6:00 pm to hear guest speaker Diane Formoso. She is Founder/Director of Caring for Kids for 48 years.
Lakewood United continues its focus on the youth in our community. If you seek to receive an accurate account of what types of support our youth need, please join us. Listen to those who have “boots on the ground”. Caring for Kids began years ago with a little clothing bank in the back of the old Lakeview Elementary School in Lakewood, WA. Today, 13 out of every 20 students in the Clover Park School District live at or below the poverty level. Formoso, along with dedicated volunteers and generous donors, make a huge contribution to the well-being of the children in our community. What more is needed? How might we enhance the work already being done? Join us and be a part of the discussion.
Future Programs: Save the Date!
May 28, 2023 at 7:00 A.M. – Burs Restaurant – 6151 Steilacoom Blvd. SW
Guest Speaker: RACHEL ADLER – WPFR Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Rachel will share information on a high interest topic that impacts our local community.
Rachel has been involved with community preparedness for over 20 years, eventually becoming a CERT Program Manager.
Lakewood United News and Meeting Dates
- All meeting and events will also be on Zoom. Please email your request to: and a link will be sent to you. Zoom will be muted to all. Use “chat box” to talk.
- We have a new website so check it out!
- Evening meetings will be at Pierce College on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month starting in May. Morning meetings will be at Burs Restaurant on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. More information is coming.
- Signing-up for a yearly Membership in Lakewood United allows us to keep providing relevant information to our community. Please go to our website to join.
Lakewood United’s 2023 Board “Thanks You” for your support!
Diane is a treasure for our community. Her tireless work to help the children has no peer. We should all be grateful to her and all she has done for our children.
Diane, thank you!