A Clover Park School District story.

Our CPSD Staff Spotlight this week features Thomas Middle School head secretary Angela Gibson.
Angela has been a member of the CPSD team for 18 years. She worked as the secretary of the district assessment department for 10 years before becoming a secretary at Woodbrook and then joining the Thomas secretary team when the school opened in 2019. “It’s nice to have worked on both the school and district side because I know more about how processes work on the back end which helps me support our Thomas students, staff and families,” she said.
Angela has a customer service background and her previous experience fulfilling the “customer is always right” ideal has driven her goal of making sure everyone leaves Thomas on a positive note. “I am proud to make Thomas a welcoming place for not only students and families, but also our guest teachers, substitutes and visitors,” she said. “When I hear that they want to sub here because of a previous positive experience, or that parents were happy to have had us listen to their concerns and experiences, I know I’ve done my job.”
Acting as the head secretary of a middle school is no easy feat. Angela is a liaison for families, a familiar face for students and a crucial means of support for staff. “There’s always something new that must be done and I’m the person people go to, to help solve problems at every level and in every department,” she said.
Angela enjoys working with students, but as the head secretary, she finds herself spending more time with their families and Thomas staff members. “I really enjoy the feeling I get when I help families and can be a touchstone for them at the school,” she said. “I also love and respect my coworkers from admin to our custodians and everyone in between. They’re all here for the right reasons and want students to succeed.”