By Patt Schwab, PhD. with Dorothy Wilhelm.
May is named for Maia, the Roman earth goddess.
Researchers tell us that those born in May have the birth benefits of being more strong willed and motivated, than those born in other months.*
Dorothy says: I’m getting ready to celebrate my 68th Mother’s Day. I have three guys of varying ages all born in the same week of May. One more, and I would have qualified for sainthood, I believe. The other three at least managed to arrive at different times. In the old days, mothers wore corsages for their day, red if their Mom was living, white if she was not alive. One year our Sunday School teacher arrived in class wearing a humongous corsage, extending from her shoulder to practically her waist of carnations, mottled red and white. We stared at her aghast. What was the message here? Then, Imogene Gertner, who always knew what to say, spoke up. “Oh, Mrs. Allen,” she said. “I’m so sorry your mother is sick.” Red and white. If you’d like to hear Dr. Patt tell about red letter days, enjoy our podcast, Swimming Upstream:
May Days of the Week to Celebrate & Learn From:
May 1— Hawaiian Lei Day — Originated 1927, when poet Don Blanding decided Hawaii needed a holiday to celebrate the Lei. Writer Grace T. Warren proposed, “May Day is Lei Day.” Lei Day on May Day went over so well, it was made an official statewide holiday two years later. O Lei!
May 1National Yo-Yo Day — Tournaments are held around the U.S. to help Americans deal with life’s ups & downs.
May 3— National Two Different Colored Shoes Day© Image#2 Created by Dr. Arlene Kaiser to “Celebrate Human Diversity.” According to Dr. Kaiser, the simple act of wearing two different colored shoes, proclaims your individuality. By taking this “positive risk,” you demonstrate your willingness to be different, and toshow your appreciation for the unique people in your life. Plus, it’s a lot of fun!
May 3 -The first piece of internet spam is sent May 3, 1978.It’s sent to 600 email addresses.
FYI: The first piece of “eatable” spam debuted May 11, 1937.
May 4— Star Wars Day — May the Fourth Be With You! May 7 — World Laughter Day — grew out of the Laughter Yoga Clubs started in India by Dr. Madan Kataria in 1998.Convinced of the powerful health benefits of laughter, Dr. Kataria designed a format where club members meet regularly but rarely speak. Their task is to follow a few simple instructions: make eye contact, and laugh together. The concept spread to include thousands of laughter clubs in more than 105 countries. Somewhere along the way someone anointed the first Sunday in May as “World Laughter Day.”
May 9 — Lost Sock Memorial Day — Stop looking for the lost ones and toss the singles. Gift, or repurpose the remaining ones — or save them to wear May 3rd next year.
May 12 — Military Spouses Day —
Always the Friday before Mother’s Day, today is to acknowledge the sacrifices, support, and contributions made by military spouses to their country as well as to their partners.
May 12 -National Limerick Day – A day to embrace your verbal cleverness – or to envy someone else’s. Let the following inspire you!
A suggestion for you if I may,
– Created by Don Wick — 2022
Here’s something that you should weigh
It’s a day to im—merse
In good, nonsense verse
‘Cuz it’s National Limerick Day!
May 13— Children’s Book Week begins
May 14— Dance like a Chicken Day — Any peppy dance song will do for the rhythm. The Chicken Dance is particularly important at weddings to get folks of all ages mixing, mingling and laughing.
May 14 – National Underground America Day— Honor the 6,000 or so Northern Americans who live underground and the architecture that makes their lifestyle possible. You may also toss in kudos for the energy conservation such a lifestyle impossible.
May 16— International Day of Light
May 17— Pack Rat Day— Indulge in a little of it today, with the knowledge that sooner or later you’re going to have to find a way to move the junk along. You can, however, keep the memories forever.
May 19— Ray Day— Celebrate if your name is Ray. Otherwise, spend some time in the sun catching the rays.
May 19— Wear a Red Clown Nose Day
May 22 — Buy a Musical Instrument Day —It’s time toexpand your skill set.
May 24 — Brother’s Day — If you have one, be nice to him. If you are one, do something worthy of being nice to.
May 29— Dr. John Pemberton, a pharmacist, wounded in the Civil War, invents Coca-Cola as a substitute for morphine (1886) — After a few small recipe changes, it becomes one of the world’s most popular drinks.
May 29 – National Biscuit Day — Don’t let your dog talk you out of one. “Dog Biscuit Day” was in February.
May 30 — Hug Your Cat Day — S/he probably needs it.
May 30 – National Creativity Day– Since 2002, over 50 countries have taken advantage of today to focus on projects calling for creativity and innovation. Why not give it a try yourself?
May 31 – Autonomous Vehicle Day — coming soon to a home near yours.
May 31 – National Smile Day — Good day to get those Pearly Whites a chance to shine!
May 31 – Reconciliation Day — It doesn’t matter so much with whom you reconcile: a neighbor who’s bothered by your barking dog; a family member whose lack of a vaccine shot drives you crazy; you fill-in the blank. You don’t have to reconcile with everyone, just do the easy ones for starters.

For more red letter days to celebrate: Buy Patt’s Obscure Holidays eBooks on Amazon:
That’s All Folks! See you next month!