Washington State Senate Democrats announcement.
On April 20, the governor signed into law Senate Bill 5070, sponsored by Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-Fircrest), to make permanent the Crime Victims Compensation Program. Legislation establishing the program first passed unanimously in 2021.
“In the midst of horrific circumstances, survivors are telling us that this program benefits them immensely,” said Nobles. “By making it permanent, we’re telling survivors they deserve access to treatment and justice.”
According to the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention, 68% of women who report domestic violence suffered near-fatal strangulation. Forensic examinations are the best resource to hold abusers accountable, but they can cost upwards of $1,400. The Crime Victims Compensation Program has played a crucial role in ensuring that survivors of nonfatal strangulation receive appropriate treatment and that perpetrators are held responsible.
Strangulation involves external compression of a survivors’ airway and blood vessels, causing reduced air and blood flow to the brain. There may be minimal or no external signs of injury despite life-threatening internal injuries, including traumatic brain injury. Injuries may present after the assault or much later and may persist for months and even years post-assault. Survivors who are strangled multiple times face a greater risk of traumatic brain injury.
The Crime Victims Compensation Program was created to help victims with the many costs associated with violent crime. The program provides financial compensation to crime victims for such expenses as medical bills, loss of financial support, and funeral expenses. The pilot program was originally set to end June 30, 2023. This legislation makes the program permanent.
The legislation passed unanimously in both the Senate and House. The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect on June 30.
How about the business and property owners who are being strangled by a free range criminal element?
How do we apply for compensation?
Everyone in third world Tacoma qualify! Fircrest is a stretch haha
Talk about pathetic virtue signaling but they can kidnap your children and perform gender surgery on them or abortions Countrywide are free here in Washington and we’re worried about strangulation really? Too bad none of these women will be able to defend themselves now with a semi-automatic firearm but Jay is really concerned about families being killed with AR-15s I’m wondering if his protection detail possess these family killing firearms but then of course law enforcement does not have a higher divorce rate in crime rate than the general public do they oh but wait they do! That sucking sound you’re hearing is all businesses and anybody else who wants to hold on to their hard-earned money leaving the state due to the spiraling tax black hole that the Democrats just can’t seem to let go of