Submitted by David Swindale, Rotary Club of Lakewood.
Monday, April 18th, members of the Rotary Club of Lakewood presented the Lakewood City Council with a $11,000 check for repairs of the swing set at Ft. Steilacoom Park. The money came from the Rotary Club of Lakewood’s Major Projects funds and a Community Grant from Rotary District 5020. Rotary District 5020 includes 94 Rotary Clubs with 4,400 members in Western Washington and Vancouver Island BC.

The play structure was originally constructed in June 2005 with a $50,000 cash donation and lots of labor from the Rotary Club of Lakewood. Multiple other organizations and individuals contributed to complete the play structure. Since then, the play structure has received plenty of use serving generations of Lakewood residents and visitors to Ft. Steilacoom Park. The swing set repair was completed in December 2022.

On April 22, for Lakewood’s Parks Appreciation Day, members of the Rotary Club of Lakewood will volunteer their time to spread fresh wood chips under the play structure with help from students at the Clover Park School District.
The Rotary Club of Lakewood is one of a global network of over 46,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide with 1.4 million members and serves the community of Lakewood in addition to Pierce County and developing countries. Our goal is to make our community and the world a better place. We have a variety of local charities and projects that we support both financially and with our volunteer time.
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The Rotary Club of Lakewood is known locally and internationally for the service projects we sponsor and participate in. Our Rotary Club is also a great place to network, share ideas, learn new things, and hear from some of the most outstanding speakers from around our city and the world.
The best way to see if the club is right for you is to come along to a meeting and check it out! You’ll always be made to feel welcome. For more information, contact our Membership, Chair Carl Bronkema, at 206-459-7514, or visit our webpage at
Meetings are held every Friday at noon via Zoom for those who wish to join us remotely, and in person at the Tacoma Country & Golf Club, 13204 Country Club Drive SW., Lakewood, WA 98498
Rotary at Work
Thank you Lakewood Rotary!