Submitted by Lee Ann Ufford.

Where can you find floral arrangements, horticultural displays, a photography exhibit, well-known garden speakers, vintage cars and information on salmon conservation all in one place this coming Mother’s Day week? How about LeMay: America’s Car Museum, with the addition of Tacoma Garden Club’s Driven By Design Flower Show?
The Garden Club of America show takes place Friday, May 12th and Saturday, May 13th. Museum hours are 10 A.M. – 5 P.M. The flower show is free and open to the public. Gardening columnist and author Marianne Binetti presents “Design Drive-bys – Best Garden Design Ideas from Around the World” on Friday, May 12th at 3 P.M. Everyone knows of Cisco Morris! Cisco speaks on “Garden Speed Demons – Hummingbird Madness” on Saturday, May 13th at 10 A.M. Both presentations are free to the public.

Tacoma Garden Club’s Driven By Design theme was inspired by the vehicles in the museum. There will be floral displays in an array of the museum’s vehicles as well as judged entries in floral arts, botanical arts, photography, and horticulture. The conservation section of the show will provide information on local salmon restoration efforts.
There will be reduced price tickets available for those who wish to enjoy the full museum. LeMay: America’s Car Museum is located at 2702 East D Street, Tacoma.