Submitted by Puyallup School District.

Celebrate Earth Day at the Karshner Museum, 309 4th St. NE in Puyallup, this Saturday, April 22 from 12-5 p.m. for the Earth Day Science and Arts Festival. Admission is FREE to the public!
The Burke Museum’s traveling museum exhibit and interactive stations, “Nature’s Networks,” will provide a great opportunity for children and families to learn through artifacts and hands-on activities, showing how all life on earth is linked. Plants, animals, and people depend on each other to survive. What is an ecosystem? What makes healthy environments? Come discover!
In addition, Puyallup Historical Hatchery Foundation will have a display and activities to show the Life Cycle of Salmon and the importance of our hatchery in saving the salmon runs in our watershed.
Tons of activities at the Science and Arts Festival will engage families on how we all can “Invest in our Planet,” this year’s Earth Day theme. Make a poster about what we can do to help our planet. Other activities include an exploration and mapping project of endangered species. Children will get a passport to fill with stamps as they learn about what animals are endangered in our region as well as across the country and world. There will be the opportunity from what participants have learned about endangered species to create a piece of art about one of those species. In addition, our own science exhibit will explore how habitats, resources, plants, and animals create an ecosystem and what adaptations animals have to live, eat, and create their shelters. Children will be able to conduct an experiment that explores animals’ adaptations of claws, beaks, teeth, and more.
Puyallup Tribal storytellers will share stories about salmon, the first Salmon Ceremony and more. Learn some phrases in Twulshootseed, the language of the tribe, as the stories are being told.
There will be read-alouds of books and art projects for families. In addition, a special art exhibit from the US Artist Collective of handmade prints will be on exhibit. The posters talk about clean water and our resources and the danger they are in.
Former PHS graduate and award-winning artist, Ryan Perry, will have his paintings of wildlife on exhibit. He has been creating wildlife art for several decades professionally. His passions for the great outdoors and art have been translated into a successful career as a wildlife painter. Perry’s work has received multiple awards and appeared in several national publications.
The realism in Perry’s pieces is inspired, in part, by his travels around the globe. One of his favorite experiences was encountering a massive elephant herd crossing the Chobe River in Botswana at sunset and viewing a majestic leopard on patrol in Kenya’s Samburu game preserve. Both have been captured in his paintings.
This is just the tip of the iceberg for the day. The Puyallup School District Science Department will present information about future Science Fairs for parents and families. 12-5 pm.
As with all events and activities at the Karshner Museum, admission is FREE!
Photo Caption: Ryan Perry’s wildlife artwork, including African Thunder, will be on display.