Submitted by Steilacoom Garden Club.

The Steilacoom Garden Club’s Annual Plant Sale will occur from 9am-Noon on Saturday, May 13, 2023 at the tennis courts next to the Town Hall on Lafayette in Steilacoom.
There will be bargains galore! Pick up a plant for Mom. Find suitable additions to your established garden. Start a new garden with many varieties of both shade loving and sun loving plants. Buy a raffle ticket to win a unique handmade birdhouse.
Proceeds from the sale fund the purchase of beautiful hanging baskets along Lafayette St., prizes for the Fall Scarecrow Contest, holiday swags on doors of local businesses and so much more.

Note: Donate plants (identify the type of plant) by dropping them off near the tennis court gate around 6pm the night before the sale. No Shasta Daisies needed. They are too invasive.