Clover Park School District announcement.
CPSD receives funding for operating its schools from the state, federal government, a local voter-approved levy and other local fees/revenues.
Each year, the district builds a budget based on projected enrollment and prioritizes funding to support classroom learning in our schools. Funding is adjusted during the school year based on actual enrollment to ensure optimal allocation of resources.

The district held budget development workshops on March 7 and 21 to share budget information and gather input on priorities. Videos of these presentations are available on the district’s YouTube channel. An online ThoughtExchange survey was also launched for staff, families and community to provide their input on funding priorities to support student learning. The district will review this input and consider it as it develops the 2023-24 budget proposal. Another community budget workshop will be held on May 24 to present the proposed budget for review and input.
Updates will be provided to the school board at its April 24 and June 26 meetings. A public hearing will be held on July 10 prior to the school board meeting. The school board is expected to review and approve the 2023-24 budget at its July 10 meeting.
For more information contact financial services at 253-583-5010.