Submitted by West Tacoma Optimist Club.

The West Tacoma Optimist Club awarded first place honors to Jane Aune for the 2023 Optimist International Essay Contest. Jane’s essay was forwarded to the Pacific Northwest District-Optimist International contest where she may win a $2,500 scholarship.
Jane’s essay answered the international prompt “Who is an Everyday Hero that Brings Out the Optimism in You?” It was titled, “My Greatest Influencer” and written as a letter to her “Mema,” her grandmother.
She wrote of making up silly stories and singing songs with Mema. She said that Mema taught her to care for her dolls so she would know how to care for people. She taught her to quilt because it was something Jane wanted to do. She gave her advice and encouraged her to work hard when she was assigned chores. “Obey right away, all the way, with a good attitude every day,” said Mema, instilling a positive work ethic in her granddaughter.
Jane’s essay ended with gratitude. “You are my hero,” she said. “Thank you for teaching me how to be an optimistic person with a loving heart.”
Winning the optimistic hearts of the judges, Jane Aune was awarded $250 by the West Tacoma Optimist Club for her first-place essay. Placing second and winning $150 was Hayley Funches and in third place, winning $100 was Michael Steele Funches. There were twenty entries received from Covenant and Curtis High Schools.
The West Tacoma Optimist Club was formed in 1956 and has been serving the Tacoma community in many ways since that time. It promotes a positive way of life, formed the Optimist Park in Tacoma, and hosts activities for youth such as tri-star basketball and scholarship contests, among other things. To learn more, please visit