Phil Raschke announcement.

In the early morning hours of 15 April, 1912 the unsinkable cruise ship “Titanic” on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England went to the bottom of the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg. Of the 2,208 passengers and crew only 712 survived. The sinking was … and still is one of the greatest maritime disasters in history and no other ship has attracted so much attention.
The Lakewood History Museum is dedicating a special two night presentation to the history and legends
surrounding this famous ship. On Tuesday, May 2 at 6 pm Titanic historian Peter Cook fresh from his visit
to the 2023 British Titanic Society Convention in England will set sail with new information and photos learned at the convention plus additional insights from his recent visits to Belfast, Ireland where Titanic was built and Southampton the English port Titanic sailed from. Peter’s presentation will also include an extensive display of Titanic artifacts.
The next night, Wednesday, 3 May from 6 to 6:45 pm Titanic author and historian Cathy Lamet will be on
hand for a “Meet the Author” session for her new book “Titanic Remembrance” a personalized tribute to selected passengers and crew. Then, at 7 pm, Cathy will take you on her 2021 voyage to the Titanic wreckage site aboard the research ship Horizon Arctic with its deep diving, passenger carrying submersible “Titan” which is capable of reaching “Titanic” at a depth of 12,500 feet.
You won’t want to miss this deep dive into history as well as learn the life forms that survive at that tremendous depth.
Make plans now to attend these amazing presentations.
Both events are free to the public, but seating is limited. Light refreshments will be available on both days.
The Lakewood History Museum is located at 6114 Motor Avenue SW next to the iconic 1937 Lakewood Theater and across from the Best Western motel. Parking is free, but limited. For more information, call 253-682-3480. Number is message capable 24/7. Covid masks available, but not required.
Sounds great! Also, Tacoma Musical Playhouse is presenting the musical Titanic starting April 14 to May 7. This version concentrates on the passengers and crew. Not like the movie.