Submitted by Taryn Hopey, AMVETS Post 1.
“We, as a volunteer-led nonprofit Veterans Service Organization, naively thought we could provide the Pre-Pandemic activities, programs and services in spite of the added expenses and the continued 3-years fundraising losses.
We’ve suffered the added expenses of: Pandemic-closure property & equipment damages—repairs & replacement; (experienced) staffing & supply shortages; COVID-safe prevention measures; and the increased costs for all (labor, parts & supplies).
Our charity Bingo, alone, has not and cannot support us as we had hoped. We’ll have to implement emergent changes and request further assistance from our members, volunteers, donors and others to succeed in our ongoing Pandemic Recovery.
We are looking for any donations or ideas to keep us open. Please feel free to contact me.
-Commander Brenda Martin

We have trimmed our staff and operations down to the bare minimum, time is not on our side. We are actively looking into options of income source(s) to continue our mission of supporting our Military, Veterans and our Surrounding Communities for many more years to come, we need your temporary help to keep the lights on.
-Board of Trustee member, Taryn Hopey
About AMVETS Post 1
AMVETS Post 1 in Tacoma, Wash. is a 501 (C) (19) Veterans Organization and we became a Congressionally Chartered membership organization, signed by President Truman on August 23, 1947. We are veterans who volunteer our time to AMVETS National programs.
Last year we reported nearly $119,000 worth of services to our National Headquarters. In 2018, we totaled $188,000.
What we provide at our Post:
- We honor our members by providing camaraderie, entertainment and more.
- We allocate space for AMVETS DEPT of WA. SERVICE OFFICE, PTSD MEETINGS, Detachment 504 Marine Corps League & WWOA to meet.
- Supports our local Active-Duty Military, American Lake Veterans Golf Course, VA Soldiers Homes in Orting & Port Orchard, WA.
- Promotes Americanism, given donations to JBLM SFAC, Buffalo Soldiers and donations to other community 501 (C) (3)’s (helping veterans) who needed help with their fundraising efforts for a particular project
- We attend JROTC/ROTC award ceremonies for High Schools and Universities.
- Donates to Homeless entities
Events we do:
- Auburn Day Parade
- Memorial Day ceremonies
- POW/MIA ceremonies
- Attend Military Funerals
- We attend & participate in the Memorial of the Lakewood 4 at Blue Steel Coffee Shop, and more.
What we do for our local communities:
- We Provide a safe place for kids to go to on Halloween, providing games & entertainment for them and candy.
- We volunteer and assist Toys For Tots in Pierce County
- Supporter of the Tacoma Santa Parade.
- Provide the space for “WorkSource” Job fairs annually.
- We provide hall rentals to the public for their weddings, memorials & parties.
AMVETS Post 1 also contains the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, The Son’s of AMVETS Squadron One and AMVETS Riders Chapter One. We also provide good deeds enriching our city and surrounding communities.
See pictures of Post 1 on Facebook:
Can you help us? Options for Donating
1. ARE YOU NEEDING A TAX DEDUCTION RECEIPT for your donation? We have arrangements made with our AMVETS Dept of WA Service Foundation which is a 501 (C) (3) to provide you a receipt.
Write your check to AMVETS Dept. of WA. Service Foundation. In the “FOR” line of the check write in: “AMVETS POST 1 CORPORATE” and mail it to:
AMVETS Dept of WA Service Foundation
C/O : Danette Gundy
5717 South Tyler St
Tacoma, WA 98409
2. NOT NEEDING A TAX RECEIPT and would like to donate directly please make your check payable to “AMVETS Post 1 Corporate”. Mail it to:
C/O Commander
5717 S Tyler St
Tacoma WA 98409
Thank-You from the bottom of our hearts!!
The Service Officers of AMVETS Post 1 have been the enabling bridge for thousands of Pierce County Veterans needing provisional help to access VA, state and local connection for disability, education and housing assistance. Established by and for American Veterans for nearly eighty years, AMVETS remains today the foremost service link on the other side of Army Emergency Relief, American Red Cross and affiliated active service providers for assistance upon discharge or retirement from service. For many veterans the dislocation and separations of “civilian life” can be a cold shower upon release from active duty and obligation, often removed from a “home” that may no longer exist. AMVETS is there to welcome, lend a hand, show the way. Thank you AMVETS. Thanks, Post 1. You make a difference and strengthen community.
Thank-You Bob for your kind words!
AMVETS Dept. of WA Service Office does strive to continue to give our Military and Veterans the best when it comes to their service claims and they provide it at no cost.
The Service Office Director, Victoria Burgess and her employees are a great team, and are providing just that!
We AMVETS Post 1 in Tacoma have been in operation for 76 years and would desire to continue to serve our Military, Veterans and community forever.
We are very grateful from our veteran predecessors who worked so hard in obtaining our post 1, (bought and paid for) that we call our home and would like to share it with more of the younger generation of veterans to join us if only they would.
I have a band, Roadside Attraction, which might play as part of your activities. Contact me below.
You can contact our Cmdr Martin by going to