Office of Rep. Marilyn Strickland announcement.
On March 29, Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10), Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), and Representatives Elissa Slotkin (MI-07) and Mark Takano (CA-39) introduced the Gun Violence Prevention Research Act to fund Center for Disease Control (CDC) research into the nation’s ongoing gun violence epidemic. This legislation would authorize $50 million, each year, over the next five years to boost firearms safety and gun violence prevention research.
“Make no mistake: gun violence is preventable. Republicans actively choose to watch children, mothers, fathers, and Americans gunned down in deference to the gun lobby,” said Rep. Strickland. “We must root out the gun violence crisis in our nation. This legislation will simply treat gun violence as the public health crisis it is, and allow us to research it so we can take steps toward saving lives.”
“I am outraged and horrified by the massacre in Nashville, which took the lives of three innocent children. We cannot keep living this way, and our children cannot keep dying this way,” said Senator Markey. “From our streets to our schools, it’s clear that Congress hasn’t yet done what it’s going to take to end this fatal crisis. Stopping the spread of our nation’s gun violence epidemic will require acting on the reforms we already know are essential, like an immediate assault weapons ban, while we simultaneously invest more to study the root causes of violence and develop evidence-based solutions. My legislation would bolster gun violence prevention research with the help of our nation’s top medical, scientific, and public health researchers, so that we can chart a path out of this public health crisis and save lives.”
The gun violence epidemic is a public health crisis that has taken the lives of more than 180,000 Americans in the last 5 years. Currently, the CDC is supporting more than 20 individual research projects dedicated to the study of gun violence prevention, including research on understanding the unique harms posed to young people, mitigating gun violence in highest-risk communities, and stopping firearm suicides among military service members and veterans, and more.
Pathetic, Strickland suggest moral and ethical standards for parenting, educator standards are disgusting, and finally the political class is so corrupt, absolutely insane!
It seems a shame that there must be more money spent on studying how to prevent gun violence. There have already been a multitude of studies. One clue might be that we are the most armed country in the world where those rights are valued more than personal responsibility.
Unfortunately we cannot legislate common sense. Gun violence is now the leading cause of death in our country for children. Recent studies revealed that a person who lived with a handgun owner were seven times as likely to be shot and killed by a spouse or intimate partner. Eighty-four percent of those victims were women.
The ongoing body of evidence indicates having a gun at home is associated with a higher risk of fatal injury. There is a widespread perception that a gun in the home offers security benefits, but the majority of credible studies show that people who live in homes with guns are at higher NOT lower risk of dying by homicide and suicide. Additionally accidental deaths and injury have notably increased as especially evidenced in children
During COVID-19 record breaking gun sales were made with the main motivation for self protection of self and family. In that time intentional and accidental gun violence has risen. More guns has resulted in more gun thefts
and this has seen increased gun violence on our streets. Take note of the epic road rage.
Within a miles radius of my home there have been two children killed and another maimed – because their parents guns were not secured. I have handed out hundreds of gunlocks to active duty military and Veterans because sometimes just the couple minutes it takes to gain access can thwart a suicide. Members of my family have their guns secured because of their kids. I’m stymied as to why educating gun safety and securing weapons is seen as a negative, especially in regard to children? Yes, there are many responsible gun owners, but there are many don’t get it.
Once again, a completely manipulated narrative, cherry-picking data to support an agenda.
You want to know what’s simple?
Focusing on criminals and crazy people who can’t form a coherent thought or are just so evil that they will find a way to inflict harm on others, like stripping us of our God-given rights to self-protection, and many more.
You do realize that people have killed people for thousands of years before guns were invented right?
You do realize that the right to possess firearms is because tyranny is a repetitive problem with control-freak governments, who have slaughtered countless millions of people over the ages, often times in the most horrific manner, like crucifixion?
As for gun safety and safe storage, multiple organizations have produced and offered programs to promote that and much more, like the NRA “Eddie Eagle Program”, but it is continually rejected by the democrat leftist radicals in favor of gun confiscation via “sensible gun control”.
You ain’t fooling anyone but yourself.
Those gun locks you speak of are the result of a project of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, “Project lock it up”.
We have made them available to everyone who wants them and with every new firearm sale. You’re welcome.
I could go on and on about programs and support for safety and crime-fighting that the firearms industry has made available, but the main issue at hand is this Congressional Representative’s continuous assault on our Constitution and our God-given individual freedoms.
I have a lengthy response to that which is waiting in “moderation jail” at the moment.
Just read another story from Florida, where the son of a failed democrat candidate was arrested for planning to shoot up his school.
He was on anti-depressants just like the majority of these psycho-a-holes.
Only thing you hear from big pharma and the anti gun/Constitution democrats is the sound of a cash register.
His democrat mother’s response?
A rant against Governor DeSantis.
You want to end mass murder? Ban democrats.
So heres an idea, Since Democrats are so against guns, why not have all dems turn in their guns. Additionally, make it illegal to sell guns to Democrats. That would help get rid of a lot of firearms in the US. Then lets do a study to see the effects of Democrats with no access to guns in the places they live, namely large cities. Thats a study worth funding in my opinion.
I am a Republican, and I’m deeply offended that anyone would claim, “Republicans actively choose to watch children, mothers, fathers, and Americans gunned down in deference to the gun lobby.” The only people who actively love to watch that sort of horrific evil are the sick individuals who commit those crimes, and who should be locked away and never released.
11 teenagers die in this country per day because of texting on their phones while driving.
So should we we ban phones to prevent the epidemic of phone violence? It’s the behavior that’s the problem, not the object.
100% true Chris, but Strickland’s loyalty to the democrat tribe is far greater than her loyalty to her constituency.
She has said so with her own words repeatedly.
If her mission is to show us all what racism and bigotry look like, she has succeeded spectacularly.
Gun Control Summed Up
A wolf sneaks up on a flock of sheep. It grabs one of the sheep, kills it and eats it in front of the other sheep. Seeing this, the sheep realize that their friend was killed by the teeth of the wolf. The sheep conclude that teeth are very dangerous. Therefore, all the remaining sheep remove their teeth.