Pierce Transit announcement.

Pierce Transit is soliciting applications from individuals residing or employed within Pierce Transit’s service area. The Community Transportation Advisory Group (CTAG) will consist of nine volunteer representatives from across the service area who are willing to become involved, study the issues, provide feedback, and make recommendations on plans, policies, and services. The CTAG will meet monthly, serving in an advisory capacity to Pierce Transit’s governing board.
Group charter information and applications are available on Pierce Transit’s website at piercetransit.org and at Pierce Transit Headquarters, 3701 96th Street SW, Lakewood, WA 98499, weekdays, 8am-5pm.
Applications are due Monday, May 1, 2023. Pierce Transit will review all applications received and schedule interviews. A selection will be made by the Pierce Transit Board of Commissioners at the June 12, 2023 Board of Commissioners’ meeting. All applicants will receive acknowledgment and notification of his or her status in the selection process.
For more information, contact CTAG Liaison Tammy Apthorp (253-581-8089)