I’m back.
And I must admit, it was wonderful to not work. And far easier than I feared. If I’m being honest, I’m not sure I’m ready to return to the grind.
When I opened my email just now (around 3 pm on April 2), I have more than 200 messages to process. It’ll take me a few days, but hang tight, I’ll get to them.
Thank you for the kind words and support.
Ben Sclair
There was a HUGE void while you were away! Welcome back to the “grind” — it’s a vital need that you fill for the entire community by producing & publishing The Suburban Times. You were missed! But perhaps going forward, it would be wise and in your best interests to take a break from it — maybe — just maybe — more frequently than once every 18 years! Again, welcome back!!!
you and The Suburban Times were missed – but a first break since 2005? I vote you do this more often, so we can keep you longer … Welcome back! <3
Glad you had a break, Ben! I hope you and Deb are doing well and the kids are good! I still get and read the Suburban Times….you keep me in touch. My very best wishes to you and your family. Keep up the good work, Eye Candy!
Judy and Tom Hosea
Ben – that sounded like a well and long deserved break. So glad you took it. We are here when you publish again. All the best, Tina & Drew
It’s always hard getting back to the work routine but glad you had a lovely break.maurr
Welcome back Ben.
I can relate to your mixed emotions in regards to work.
I have been trying to retire for 6 years, but my desire for projects keeps my schedule rather full.
Plus, as productive members of society, the bills, taxes, and accounting requirements never allow us to completely step away, whether we want to or not.
Welcome back. As of April Fools Day 2023, I have been on hiatus for 10 years. Yup. Unbelievable 10 years retired. I know not what it is like to return to work. After 520 weeks off the only way I can know what you experienced is vicariously.
Joe Boyle
Love reading the Sub Times…. Look forward to
it daily.
Thank you!
So glad you’re back!!!
Ann Riley
I missed you.
Welcome back Ben! Your hard work in keeping the community informed is truly appreciated.
Absolutely…..welcome back!
Although you certainly deserved more time off….a whole lot more!!!!
Thank you, good sir, for what you have and are doing…..without your especial services, this and several other communities would be left in the dark w/o a hint of what is happening in our vicinity.
Thanx again Ben.
Welcome back I appreciate what you do so much!! The first thing I do after I get my morning cup of coffee is read the Subtimes . I missed it but I am glad you took a well deserved vacation.
Glad you got a chance to take a break! You have provided current, honest, local and important information that I use in my monthly condo community newsletter and in my own life. Would certainly miss having it daily, BUT you deserve more time for yourself and family! How about a weekly publication! Judie Bilderback Taylor
Absolutely you were missed, Ben! Glad that you finally took time out for yourself. Do so more often, but please keep the Suburban Times running, as the information you share is vital to our communities and keeps us connected.
Yes, we missed you, indeed! Welcome back. Obviously from all the comments, you are loved!