Historic Fort Steilacoom announcement.

Maybe you collect items from the 19th and 20th centuries. Maybe you are a living history re-enactor. Maybe you just love ‘old stuff.” We have a swap meet for you.
This will be our first living history swap meet since the pandemic.
Vendors will be offering everything from women’s clothing and accessories throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, to U.S. military clothing and other items from the America Civil War through the Vietnam War.
Wares for sale will include 19th and 20th century military uniforms, camping supplies and tents, reproduction fabric, Regency era caps and bonnets, Civil War Era dresses, Victorian accessories, craft supplies, and reference books.
The swap meet will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 25, at Fort Steilacoom, whose pioneer buildings are located by the entrance of Western State Hospital, 9601 Steilacoom Blvd.
From noon to 2 p.m., Lakewood authors Steve Dunkelberger and Walter Neary will also be autographing their two photo histories of the City of Lakewood, where our pioneer museum is located.
One note: Unlike a lot of these shows, there will be no replica or real firearms. Please don’t bring any guns to show – they’re prohibited as we are on the grounds of Western State Hospital and have a lease with DSHS. Thanks for understanding.
For more information, please see our event listing on Facebook or the museum’s website.