Clover Park School District announcement.

School Board Recognizes Former Lakewood Police Chief Mike Zaro.
During its Feb. 13 regular meeting, the Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board of Directors recognized outgoing Lakewood Police Chief Mike Zaro for his service to the Lakewood community. Zaro, who officially retired on Feb. 17, was originally named to the position in 2015.
Pictured, Left to Right: Director Anthony Veliz, Director Paul Wagemann, Zaro, Vice President Carole Jacobs, President Alyssa Anderson Pearson and Superintendent Ron Banner.
Feb. 13 Regular Meeting
During its Feb. 13 board meeting, the school board heard reports from Superintendent Ron Banner and Carter Lake Elementary School Principal Marianne Rupprecht.
Superintendent’s Report
In his report, Banner thanked Lakewood Police Chief Mike Zaro for his service to the community and discussed student and staff achievement and community engagement.
Student/Staff Achievement
- Lakes High School senior Nathan Ballesteros accepted an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy. He will be joining Lakes graduates Chandler Lugo and Hunter Wendland at West Point this fall.
- Lochburn Middle School math teacher Amelia Pernell was awarded the February Educator of the Month Award by Lakewood Rotary.
Community Engagement
- Many district administrators and staff members joined the community in attending the Caring for Kids Happy Hearts Dinner Auction on Feb. 11.
- Tillicum Elementary School dedicated a mural to the Tillicum Community Center. Last year’s fifth graders worked together to create a mural that represented them as a group of students and depicted how the diversity of their community is something to be celebrated.
Carter Lake Elementary School
Carter Lake Elementary School Principal Marianne Rupprecht shared a report to the board, which included discussion of the school’s demographics, assessment data and approach to supporting student learning and family engagement.
Spring 2022 assessment scores at Carter Lake exceeded state averages for grades 3-5 for English language arts, math and science. The school keeps data at the forefront and focuses on increasing academic achievement by setting goals to maintain or increase high growth schoolwide and utilizing small group instruction.
Carter Lake implements district curriculum and small, flexible group instruction in both reading and math, using targeted strategies to help students receive additional instruction in the areas they need it most.
Carter Lake has worked to increase voice for families this year through the use of family perception survey data and by inviting families to regular evening community listening sessions.
As part of the Individual Action Agenda, the Board of Directors:
- Accepted funding from the Emergency Connectivity Fund to purchase laptops and internet connections for students in response to COVID-19.
- Approved purchase of instructional technology from Micro K12 for Lakes High School and Lakeview Hope Academy.
- Authorized purchase of computers using ESSER funds to support students in response to COVID-19.
- Approved award for roofing installation at the Auxiliary Services Center to Garland/DBD Inc.
- Approved lowest responsible contract award for security fencing at Tillicum Elementary School to Fence Specialists.
- Authorized Superintendent to enter into agreement with Puget Sound Educational Service District to provide professional learning and support services for the 2022-23 school year.
- Adopted the following policies (view online):
- 1220 on Board Officers and Duties of Board Members
- 1225 on School Director Legislative Program
The next regular meeting of the school board will be Monday, March 13, at 6 p.m.
Feb. 27 Regular Meeting/Workshop
The school board held a regular meeting/workshop on Feb. 27. During the workshop, board members heard reports on bond refunding, assessment response, online learning and the district’s Facilities Advisory Committee.
Bond Refunding
D.A. Davidson Managing Director Cory Plager updated the board on the school bond refunding process, which reduces the debt payments of the district by issuing new bonds with lower interest rates.
The savings from bond refunding directly reduce taxes paid by local taxpayers. Plager discussed the current state of interest rates and the next steps the district can take to maximize a refund on the district’s 2013 bond funds.
Response to Assessment
Teaching and Learning Director Suzy Kontos and Assessment Director Brian Gabele presented information on academic improvement in response to districtwide assessment scores. The district is focused on supporting principals in the use of data at their schools to help increase student growth and efficiency.
Gabele discussed and provided examples for ways data can be used to identify schools, grade levels and students in need of extra instructional support. Teachers combine assessment scores with other data, such as attendance, to understand their students in a broader context and tailor instruction to better match student needs.
CPSD uses techniques such as microlearning professional development modules, consultancy training, instructional coaching and vertical integration of grade level standards to help teachers better utilize data in their classrooms.
The district encourages teachers to focus on student growth percentile as the best data point to monitor student progress. Combining growth and proficiency data together helps teachers and schools better anticipate which students need more help before the Standard Balanced Assessment is administered statewide in the spring.
Online Learning
Deputy Superintendent Brian Laubach and Principal of Special Programs Venetia Willis-Holbrook provided an update on the district’s virtual learning program. The virtual learning program was initially developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to be implemented in the 2021-22 school year.
CPSD partners with Pearson and Graduation Alliance to provide highly-qualified teachers for virtual instruction. The district also provides case management and social emotional learning for virtual students.
The presentation included a proposal for the development of a K-12 virtual school in CPSD to begin at the start of the 2023-24 school year. This recommendation would include consolidation of all currently offered online programs into one school.
The district will bring a resolution to the board at its March 13 meeting to approve formation of a K-12 virtual school.
Facilities Advisory Committee
Executive Director of Capital Projects and Risk Management John Boatman updated the board on the district’s Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC), which held its first meeting on Feb. 22. The FAC is a group consisting of parents, community members, and district and school staff who work together to provide input on short- and long-term planning of districtwide capital projects.
The ultimate goal for the district is to create a 10-year master facilities plan for the district that the FAC provides input on. The FAC is expected to provide updates to the school board next fall.
The district will bring a resolution to the board at its March 13 meeting that includes the board’s directive on the purpose of the FAC.
The next regular meeting/workshop of the school board will be Monday, March 27, at 5:30 p.m.