Pierce County Executive, Bruce Dammeier announcement.

This month is Women’s History Month, and this past Wednesday we recognized International Women’s Day.
If you look at the history of Pierce County, you will be amazed at some of the women who blazed trails for the women leaders we have today.
Authors Deb Freeman and Michael Ann Konek wrote a book titled “Leading Ladies: Twenty-one of Tacoma’s Women of Destiny.” Three of them stood out to me. Clara Antoinette McCarty Wilt (born in Steilacoom, lived as a child in Sumner, and as an adult in Tacoma) was the first graduate of the University of Washington (then called the Territorial University) and the first woman to hold public office (Superintendent of Pierce County Schools). Tacoma philanthropist Franke Tobey Jones was a key backer of what is now the University of Puget Sound and the retirement home that bears her name near Pt. Defiance. And Gretchen Kunigk Fraser was the first North American woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal in skiing – I have a book describing her achievement in my office. And there are many more women with tremendous accomplishments – like two-time gold medal winner at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, swimmer Megan Quann (now Jendrick)! Megan graduated from Emerald Ridge High School in Puyallup and now lives in Buckley.
In Pierce County government, we are fortunate to have strong representation and leadership from smart, committed women. In fact, most of our department directors are women. And many of them were hired into roles previously held by men. I’d like to give a shout out to Betty Capestany (Economic Development), Constance White (Clerk of the Superior Court), Heather Moss (Human Services), Jen Tetatzin (Planning and Public Works), Jody Ferguson (Emergency Management), Judy Archer (Human Resources), Karen Cline-Parhamovich (Medical Examiner), Libby Catalinich (Communications), and Roxanne Miles (Parks). They lead departments that provide key services to our residents, balancing competing demands, innovating, and collaborating. Thank you all for your leadership!
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention our women county-wide elected officials, including Auditor Linda Farmer and Prosecutor Mary Robnett. They are critical leaders with direct responsibility for foundational services to our residents.
Lastly, I want to recognize the three women currently serving on the County Council – councilmembers Amy Cruver, Jani Hitchen and Robyn Denson. I thought that having three women on Council was a record but, as you will see from the video below, there was a time in the late 80’s when there were four women on the dais!
My thanks to the councilmembers and the indomitable 90-year-old Cathy Pearsall-Stipek for sharing their time and perspectives with us.
Before I close, I want to be sure to invite you to watch my annual State of the County Address next Wednesday, March 15 at noon. It may be the Ides of March, but I will have plenty to say about not only where we face challenges but also where we’ve made some good strides. You can watch the livestream at this link.
Thanks for reading.
Yes Bruce, “we’ve made some good strides”.
Hell, we’ve made some great strides, but in what direction and toward what goal?
Women have been granted so much political power that some men are physically changing themselves to a woman, so they can have access to that power.
“Woman” is no longer a biological sex, but an identity that can be commandeered by anyone who wants it.
Those female sports-heros you speak of: it’s fortunate for them that they were early, because biological women of today are being canceled by biological men who are stealing their “Title 9” opportunity.
As western society melts down in the heat of such delusion which has cascaded into catagoric decline, our “enemies” are scared to death that they will be forced to comply.
We now have effeminate government structure that is hell-bent on stripping every aspect of masculinity from our culture, using toxic labels such as “toxic”.
Our Consitutional freedoms are being “voted” away by those who rode blind ambition to a place of power.
How much freedom can we lose until we are no longer free?
Like a devouring mother, the effeminate leader will sacrifice your freedom for the illusion of a little temporary security, only to leave you with neither.
I grew up in a farming community with “real” strong women, who to this day are some of my heros, because they respected and appreciated a “real” strong man.
Together, men and women make up a strength than is greater than our separate parts, but only in our natural capacities.
Look around cities today, and ask yourselves honestly, “Are we better off?”
What a wonderful description of women contributing more actively in our community!
I enjoyed your enthusiastic and reasoned article despite not always agreeing with your positions! I’m glad you are willing to participate!
Brian Borgelt’s letter left me stunned …I simply don’t think the sky is falling …
“I’m glad you are willing to participate”.
Yep, right up until you can cancel him and replace him with a progressive democrat.
There is no “reasoning” with the progressive left, no matter how crazy the conversation gets.
I find that “stunning”.