Tacoma Business Council announcement.
The Tacoma Business Council calls on House leadership to allow debate today on bipartisan HB 1363. HB 1363 is critical to address rising crime and would restore the police power to pursue fleeing suspects. It is an important and needed fix to the 2021 changes that hampered the investigation of crimes and led to the rise in auto theft and other offenses in WA state. The Pierce County Prosecutor and police from all over the state have called for changes to the pursuit law consistent with HB 1363. Even Governor Inslee has spoken in support of the need to revise the 2021 changes to police pursuits.
HB 1363 has bipartisan support. It is a meaningful step to addressing crime here by returning to the police the power to pursue based on reasonable suspicion. According to police testimony, the 2021 limits on pursuits have resulted in criminals taking advantage of the fact that they won’t be chased, increases in auto theft and people failing to stop for even simple traffic infractions. Without HB 1363 and the enforcement tool of pursuits, citizens will continue to be seriously harmed by ever increasing crime.
With regard to the steep increase in auto thefts, the WA Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs, stated, “In the 18 months prior to the law change… data shows..auto thefts have increased 61%.”
Despite the fact that Democrats and Republicans alike support this bill, House leadership has not yet brought it to the floor for consideration. Today is the last day to do that. It is critical that the leadership allow this bill to be considered today.
About the Tacoma Business Council.
The mission of the Tacoma Business Council is to provide a voice for the business community throughout Tacoma and to create an economically viable environment to support businesses. We do that work by collaborating with government officials, policymakers, and other stakeholders to promote solutions to public safety, public health and other problems that have a negative impact on the economic stability of businesses in Tacoma.