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Reader Interactions
We live in a society based on rules and morals. LMAO!!
Mr Kerpal,
Please don’t take this the wrong way, I don’t know you, and I’m not criticizing you, but every time you post, it seems really on the negative side. I’m assuming you’re really not laughing at the accident, and you’re thinking about some “irony “ but no matter how you go about it , it’s just negativity that can’t be helpful in your life.
You only live once my friend, leave the negativity behind you, start a new day, RE-invent yourself as a person who lives life to the fullest and sees it as the gift from God that it is.
Are you working really hard, and chasing your dreams, or are you working really hard, for someone who did? It’s usually one or the other. Choose which one is for you, and don’t look back.
Don’t blame others, (I’m not saying you do,) or corruption, or anything. Things bother everyone but don’t let outside influences shape your happiness.
Wherever you go, there you are. You take your happiness with you. If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, fertilize your lawn!
Be a loyal, strong person, don’t ever lie, embrace rough times and rise above. You cannot be courageous unless you’re afraid. See everything as a potential opportunity not a potential problem.
Lastly ,
Live your life like you are the absolute star in the movie of your life, not an extra in someone else’s.
Good luck to you and God bless you.
Thank you. I don’t believe I live once. I do believe in God. I do believe we’ve been given a gift of life and I am not sad for the downfall of our country. It is necessary for the fire to cleanse the rot. I am merely a former voter who is observing this. We ALL know what actually needs to be done but no one will do it. So I will laugh at in instead of cry.
Good luck to you and God bless.
Mr Kerpal thank you! Apparently you and I are a lot alike, although I’m a very positive thinking person, I’m also a landlord and a conservative.
I could not agree more on the state of this country, it’s “leadership “ and school system.
It’s very disappointing, I’m a Christian, (although it seems I’m a bad one because I’m having to ask for forgiveness daily)
I totally get where your coming from and I extremely appreciate you reaching back out to me. I hate to see anyone unhappy, and from your reply it looks like you’re doing great.
Thanks buddy, have a great day today!
Good news! I-5 was closed for hours yet, Lakewood “did not” experience insurmountable traffic problems from drivers attempting to take an alternate route!
I had my public service radio scanner on prior to this mishap. Officers of the Washington State Patrol were following, not pursuing, this guy for some time as he drove erratically and on the wrong side of the road prior to entering the freeway and crashing into the semi. Troopers reported the running vehicle had two flat tires and were discussing how to stop it with spike strips when a supervisor abruptly and curtly instructed them to terminate following him, which they did. It is just a matter of luck no one was killed.
I have my opinions on why this was allowed to happen, but I will leave it to the reader to use the facts to develop their own.
We live in a society based on rules and morals. LMAO!!
Mr Kerpal,
Please don’t take this the wrong way, I don’t know you, and I’m not criticizing you, but every time you post, it seems really on the negative side. I’m assuming you’re really not laughing at the accident, and you’re thinking about some “irony “ but no matter how you go about it , it’s just negativity that can’t be helpful in your life.
You only live once my friend, leave the negativity behind you, start a new day, RE-invent yourself as a person who lives life to the fullest and sees it as the gift from God that it is.
Are you working really hard, and chasing your dreams, or are you working really hard, for someone who did? It’s usually one or the other. Choose which one is for you, and don’t look back.
Don’t blame others, (I’m not saying you do,) or corruption, or anything. Things bother everyone but don’t let outside influences shape your happiness.
Wherever you go, there you are. You take your happiness with you. If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, fertilize your lawn!
Be a loyal, strong person, don’t ever lie, embrace rough times and rise above. You cannot be courageous unless you’re afraid. See everything as a potential opportunity not a potential problem.
Lastly ,
Live your life like you are the absolute star in the movie of your life, not an extra in someone else’s.
Good luck to you and God bless you.
Thank you. I don’t believe I live once. I do believe in God. I do believe we’ve been given a gift of life and I am not sad for the downfall of our country. It is necessary for the fire to cleanse the rot. I am merely a former voter who is observing this. We ALL know what actually needs to be done but no one will do it. So I will laugh at in instead of cry.
Good luck to you and God bless.
Mr Kerpal thank you! Apparently you and I are a lot alike, although I’m a very positive thinking person, I’m also a landlord and a conservative.
I could not agree more on the state of this country, it’s “leadership “ and school system.
It’s very disappointing, I’m a Christian, (although it seems I’m a bad one because I’m having to ask for forgiveness daily)
I totally get where your coming from and I extremely appreciate you reaching back out to me. I hate to see anyone unhappy, and from your reply it looks like you’re doing great.
Thanks buddy, have a great day today!
Good news! I-5 was closed for hours yet, Lakewood “did not” experience insurmountable traffic problems from drivers attempting to take an alternate route!
I had my public service radio scanner on prior to this mishap. Officers of the Washington State Patrol were following, not pursuing, this guy for some time as he drove erratically and on the wrong side of the road prior to entering the freeway and crashing into the semi. Troopers reported the running vehicle had two flat tires and were discussing how to stop it with spike strips when a supervisor abruptly and curtly instructed them to terminate following him, which they did. It is just a matter of luck no one was killed.
I have my opinions on why this was allowed to happen, but I will leave it to the reader to use the facts to develop their own.