Pierce County Council announcement.
The Pierce County Council is pleased to announce that beginning Tuesday, March 7, the weekly 3 p.m. Council meetings will live-stream to the County Council Facebook page, in addition to the Pierce County TV (PCTV) YouTube channel and Comcast Channel 22. Meetings will also be archived on the Council’s new YouTube channel to make finding past meetings easier and more transparent.
“We want to make engaging with local government as easy and seamless as possible for people,” said Council Chair Ryan Mello (District 4). “This is just another tool we can provide people to participate in their local County government.”
You do not need a Facebook account to view the Facebook livestream.
Committee meetings will continue to live stream to the PCTV YouTube channel but will be archived for enhanced searchability on the County Council’s YouTube channel.
Attending Council and Committee meetings
You can also attend Council and committee meetings in person or remotely. Attend meetings in person in Council Chambers in Room 1046, 930 Tacoma Ave. South in Tacoma. To attend remotely, visit the Council and Committee Meetings webpage and select the meeting you want to attend.
You can also follow legislation and comment on proposed legislation at: https://online.co.pierce.wa.us/cfapps/council/iview/ProposalList.cfm?proposal_text=&proposal_status.
“Public participation in the legislative process is at the core of our system of government,” said Councilmember Paul Herrera (District 2), who also chairs the Council’s Public Safety Committee. “As a councilmember and chair of one of our standing committees, I listen to and read public feedback attentively to gain a better understanding of what people are looking for from their local government.”
The County Council functions through the work of its standing committees, which review proposed legislation prior to consideration by the full Council. The Council’s review of ordinances, motions, and budgets help ensure your County government operates in an efficient, transparent, and cost-effective manner, with equal access for all county residents.
Viewers can follow the Pierce County Council on Facebook here. You can subscribe to the Council’s YouTube channel here.