Pierce County Library System announcement.
At the Pierce County Library System’s Board of Trustees’ Wednesday, March 8, 3:30 p.m. regular monthlymeeting,the Boardwill discuss a new Sumner Pierce County Library, plans for an interim Lakewood Pierce County Library, and results from public opinion research and other topics.
The meeting will be held in person at the Library’s Administrative Center 3005 112th St E, Tacoma WA 98446. Optional virtual attendance is available via https://www.piercecountylibrary.org/about-us/board-trustees/board-agenda-packets/Default.htm.
At the meeting, trustees will continue discussions about a new Sumner Library. In January and February 2023, the Library System engaged with thousands of Sumner area residents and heard their ideas for spaces and services in a new library. In consultation with architects from BuildingWork, the Library System created interactive activities to gather the public’s input through an online survey, in-library activities, open houses and other venues. At the board meeting, architects will provide an overview of the results from the community’s input.
Also, trustees will talk about plans to fund the new building with a potential Library Capital Facility Area (LCFA) and bond as well as donations from individuals and organizations. The Library System estimates the total cost of the project is approximately $19 million in today’s market. The Library is committed to contributing $4 million to $5 million through a variety of sources. The remaining up to $15 million is being considered as a bond measure for voters in Sumner.
In addition, the Board will consider approving a vendor contract for an interim library in Lakewood.
Also, at the Board meeting, analysts with EMC Research will share results from public opinion research it conducted for the Library System during the first part of 2023. The Library System conducts biennial public opinion research to learn the public’s awareness and preference for the Library System and understand residents’ priorities for library services.
For more information: https://www.piercecountylibrary.org/about-us/board-trustees/board-agenda-packets/Default.htm