Sound Transit announcement.
On Feb. 27, Sound Transit launched a public engagement period for potential additional station and alignment alternatives for the Tacoma Dome Link Extension.
Through environmental work to date, Sound Transit identified the need to consider more station options in Fife due to the presence of floodplains and an additional route in the South Federal Way/Milton area to avoid potential effects to known cultural resources and constructability challenges along the I-5 alignment.
If identified for further study by the Sound Transit Board of Directors, the project’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement is now anticipated to be published in mid-2024. Service is projected to begin in 2035. Dates and project milestones remain subject to change as further study continues.
The online and in-person open houses will provide information on these new options.
Learn about the new potential project alternatives near you, subscribe for updates and send us your questions and feedback at
In-person drop-in sessions:
Visit us in-person to learn more and get your questions answered by project team staff.
Milton/Edgewood Library
Wednesday, March 8 // 5-7 p.m.
900 Meridian Ave. E., Milton
Federal Way Community Center
Tuesday, March 14 // 8-10 a.m.
876 S. 333rd St., Federal Way
Poodle Dog Restaurant
Wednesday, March 15 // 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
1522 54th Ave. E., Fife
Approved by voters in 2016, the Tacoma Dome Link Extension will add nearly 10 miles to the regional light rail system via mostly elevated tracks between Federal Way and Tacoma. This project includes four new light rail stations in the South Federal Way, Fife, East Tacoma/Portland Avenue and Tacoma Dome areas.
Brian Borgelt says
Every time you pay your multi-hundred dollar car tab bill, remember you are funding the most inefficient agency ever known to man.