Bates Technical College announcement.

Tacoma, Wash. — Bates Technical College students of color can now apply for a $2,500 scholarship, made possible through a partnership with the Tacoma Urban League.
The college’s foundation recently entered a six-year partnership with the Tacoma Urban League to offer the T’wina Nobles Young Professional Scholarship, which allows for four $2,500 scholarships during the first year, and two $2,500 scholarships for years two through six.
Bates Technical College Foundation Director LeAnn Dreier said, “We are excited to offer our students of color the T’wina Nobles Young Professionals Scholarship. Students of color face greater obstacles to reaching their educational goals and are more likely to graduate with greater debt because of the high use of student loans. This scholarship is designed to relieve the burden of high educational expenses for students who hope to have a positive impact on improving equality and justice in their communities.”
The college joins other Pierce County public two-year community and technical colleges to offer this scholarship to students of color ages 20-40, who are interested in taking on an active leadership role in their community. Students who receive the scholarship are invited to attend the annual Tacoma Empowerment Awards event.
For more information about the Bates Technical College Foundation, go to, and for more information about the Tacoma Urban League, go to
About the Bates Technical College Foundation
To support the college, students and the community, the Bates Technical College Foundation was founded in 1992 as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Gifts to the foundation fund student scholarships for tuition, books, tools and supplies, support college initiatives and programs, and fund employee professional development, allowing the foundation to fulfill its mission. To learn more, visit, call 253.680.7160 or email
About Bates Technical College
Founded in 1940, Bates Technical College offers certificate and degree opportunities in 45+ career education programs. The college serves approximately 3,000 career training students and 7,000 more community members annually in extended learning, distance learning, high school, and other programs. For more information, go to, or call 253.680.7000. Bates Technical College is proudly part of the Washington state community and technical college system.
If someone was to challenge this in court, precedence has already been established. This is, by law, racist. Bates is still a public school. It’s non-discrimination policy seems to be the opposite of this scholarship.