Tacoma Youth Symphony announcement.

Tacoma, WA – On Sunday, March 5, the Tacoma Youth Symphony will explore the ways in which music can recount stories and legends through “Tales Woven Through History.” The concert will feature the iconic Overture to the Opera “William Tell” by Gioacchino Rossini. Rossini’s final opera, William Tell recounts the story of the legendary Swiss hero who helped the Swiss to gain independence from the Austrian Hapsburgs. At six hours long, the opera William Tell is rarely performed in its entirety but the Overture contains some of the most recognizable music ever written.
The Tacoma Youth Symphony will also help to tell the story of the Arabian Nights through Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade. Written in just three weeks during the summer of 1888, Rimsky-Korsakov composed “an orchestral suite in four movements, closely knit by the community of its themes and motives yet representing, as it were, a kaleidoscope of fairy-tale images and designs of Oriental character.” The music depicts the story of the Sultana Scheherazade who saves her life by entertaining the Sultan Schariar with a series of stories told over a thousand and one nights. The Sultan, who was convinced that all women are faithless, planned to put Scheherazade to death after their wedding night, as he had with all his previous wives. As Scheherazade told her story he became consumed with curiosity and postponed her execution, and continued to postpone it as she wove her tales each night until he fell in love with Scheherazade and canceled her execution altogether.
The concert will also feature the Chamber Winds performing Charles Gounod’s Petite Symphony for Nine Winds and student soloist Jorie Dyvig performing the Kabalevsky Violin Concerto.

Student Soloist Jorie Dyvig is 17 years old and in her junior year at Olympia High School. She started playing the violin at the age of 4 with Janis Upshall and has been studying with Svend Rønning for the past few years. She has been in the Tacoma Youth Symphony Association since the second grade and is currently in the first violin section of the Tacoma Youth Symphony. She has had the opportunity to be a part of the Junior and High School levels of the WMEA All-State Orchestras and is a part of the Olympia High School Chamber Orchestra which placed first at state this past year. In early 2023 she received an Honorable Mention for the Olympia Symphony Orchestra’s Young Artists Competition.
Tickets are on sale now! To purchase tickets go to www.tysamusic.org.
This concert is sponsored by the William W. Kilworth Foundation. Season support has been provided by Tacoma Creates, the City of Tacoma Arts Commission and the Washington State Arts Commission.