City of DuPont announcement.
Center Drive is currently an active construction zone and drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclist should use extra caution travelling through these zones.
Two construction projects are under way in the City of DuPont, the traffic infraction detection installment at several intersections and the much larger project, the Center Drive Overlay Phase 6 Project.
The installation of the traffic cameras at several intersections in DuPont will not restrict any traffic and be done shortly.
The Center Drive Overlay project includes grinding and overlaying existing asphalt travel lanes, bike lanes/shoulders between Interstate 5 Exit 118 and McNeil Street to a depth of 2-inches. This project will affect traffic, as noticed by the recent mobilization of construction equipment, traffic cones, signage, and sidewalk construction. The traffic control plans will include lane shifts, speed reduction, and will restrain traffic to one way on each side during parts of the project. This project should be completed by the end of March 2023, weather permitting.
Both projects, approved by the Council will improve safety and travel in DuPont.
If you’d like more information, contact DuPont City Clerk Karri Muir at