Rotary Club of Lakewood announcement.

Rotary Club of Lakewood named Steilacoom Historical School District elementary school teacher Linda Merritt and Clover Park School District middle school teacher Amelia Pernell as February Educators of the Month at its Feb.10 meeting.
Merritt is an exemplary second grade teacher at Chloe Clark Elementary School. Equipped with a diverse teaching background and fueled by her desire for professional growth, Merritt earned her credentials to be an enriched core instruction (ECI) specialist for the 2022-23 school year.
In her role as ECI specialist, Merritt learned to analyze educational practices, collaborate with teachers to improve instructional practices that encourage student achievement and improve her leadership abilities. Her combined skillset integrates diversity, social emotional learning, equity and academic rigor.
Merritt exhibits her passion for science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) by volunteering her STEAM expertise and supporting her school as they prepare for their upcoming STEAM Fair and Arts Showcase.

The academic and social emotional growth of students is a top priority for Merritt, who also lends a helping hand to ensure her fellow staff members are prepared each day. Merritt can be found warmly greeting students with an encouraging word and high five every morning.
Pernell is an outstanding math teacher at Lochburn Middle School. Pernell enjoys working with middle school students and works to ease their transition from elementary to middle school and middle to high school. It is also her mission to provide a safe space for students to develop their social emotional learning (SEL) skills.
Pernell helps facilitate the Art to Living program which engages both Special Education and General Education students through an SEL curriculum. She takes the lead in organizing extension events such as Silver Lining presentations, where students highlight their social and emotional growth and ability to identify positivity within challenging circumstances.
Pernell’s teaching style is centered around her ability to connect and build relationships with her students. She values structure and student feedback and ensures lessons are relevant to the everyday lives of students. She also enjoys helping students master pattern recognition, which is a critical skill in mathematics.
In Pernell’s classroom, students receive the individualized attention they need to succeed academically while being pushed to advocate for themselves and achieve their goals.
For more information on Lakewood Rotary, please visit Rotary Club of Lakewood.