Clover Park School District announcement.

Clover Park School District’s (CPSD) Open Doors Youth Reengagement Program awarded 32 diplomas at its winter Awarding of Diplomas Ceremony on Jan. 20. The excitement was electric as proud graduates, families and staff gathered to celebrate the occasion.
Open Doors empowers students with necessary skills to navigate their paths toward personal success through personalized graduation plans. Since the program’s establishment during the 2015-16 school year, there has been a
total of 489 diplomas awarded.
“Open Doors is where missed opportunities turn into successful ones,” said student speaker Skyler Ryan. “Open Doors is filled with positive educators, role models, self-confidence boosters, goal setters and consistency makers.”
Distinguished students were recognized as representatives of the Four Pillars of Student Success:
- Pillar of Collaboration – Syr’Marques Garrett
- Pillar of Character – La’Niqa Hunter
- Pillar of Leadership – Donovan Rocha
- Pillar of Lifelong Learning – Vy Le
The ceremony featured remarks from School Board President Alyssa Anderson Pearson, Superintendent Ron Banner and Open Doors Principal Venetia Willis-Holbrook.

“Pave the road for those who come after us,” Banner said during the ceremony. “Make their road easier, which you are doing because of your hard work and your effort. Somebody’s looking at what you’ve accomplished and might be saying ‘I think I can do it too.’”
Graduates build an academic foundation and are equipped with the resources needed to achieve goals on their academic, personal or career journey. They have the toolkit to take on the real world, live their dreams and become
positive forces in their communities.