Author Ronald Schulz from Shoreline, Washington, is semi-retired and occasionally teaches health care requirements. After scribbling notes for years, he began compiling them into coherent memoir; after finding Tumbleweed Books in 2022, he signed to publish “Chicago Rage”, and his next book, “Home at the Edge”. Ronald is a member of Author Event Network (AEN), Hugo House, and of several writer meetup groups in the Seattle area before Covid and on Zoom. He has attended University of Washington Memoir Writing classes taught by Theo Nestor and Peter Mountford at Hugo House. When Ronald isn’t writing, he can be found in the great outdoors, hiking, horse riding, traveling the World and hanging out with friends in all countries. He also enjoys good food, movies, and reading history and related subjects.
Which genres do you cover?
Ronald Schulz: Memoir, history, alternative lifestyles, spiritual, and politics.
Which is the latest book you had published, and what is about?
Ronald Schulz: “Chicago Rage” is my gritty on the road and in the streets memoir of the radical hippie revolution in 1969 at age 17, and my next book, which will be out soon, is “Home at the Edge”, a sequel about my time in Cook County Jail and as a patient in a mental hospital until I turned 18.
At which book events can readers find you?
Ronald Schulz: I belong to AEN Author Event Network, and we set up booths at local events to promote our books and give readings.
Which book event connecting you with readers is your favorite and why?
Ronald Schulz: “Works in Progress” is Hugo House’s semi-monthly writing open mic, where we can share short readings from our books.
Do you have any specific messages to your readers and, if so, which are they?
Ronald Schulz: Burst out of your shell, develop confidence in yourself and the value of your insight and voice to express it. Live large and fearless!
Which writer(s) keep(s) inspiring you and why?
Ronald Schulz: I have a long list of authors who wrote without self-censorship. Hunter Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Nelson Algren, Charles Bukowski, as well as Viktor Emil Frankl, Rudi Vrba, and others who introduced me into their dark experiences and survival skills.

Do you have specific writing habits?
Ronald Schulz: It must be a labor of love. When I have time in my busy life, I coffee up and arouse my lusty motivation, without which little good can be produced.
What are you currently working on?
Ronald Schulz: My wild experience in the White Panthers, which became The Rainbow People’s Party in 1970. Hometown Chicago was the place to be!
Which book are you currently reading simply for entertainment?
Ronald Schulz: “Xaviera: Her Continuing Adventures” by Xaviera Hollander.
What advice would you give any aspiring author?
Ronald Schulz: Read widely and reread what moves you, then look deep into your own heart for inspiration to reveal your own story. Listen to critics but be brave and remember that some of them are fools who do not understand your truth.
You can find Ronald Schulz’ book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2RWVH8X as well as on Kobo, Apple & Indigo.