City of Tacoma announcement.
The Tacoma City Council is looking to fill five volunteer positions on the Tacoma Community Redevelopment Authority Board (TCRA): one contractor or housing development representative with experience in housing development or construction; two at-large representatives; and two attorney representatives. The housing development and attorney positions advertised are currently held by individuals whose terms are expiring with the opportunity to reapply and be interviewed.
The TCRA administers grants and loans to support low-income households and families buying or repairing their homes, multi-family housing developers or owners who provide housing to low-income families, businesses that create jobs or rehabilitate blighted buildings, and non-profit organizations that provide housing and economic development services to the Tacoma community. The Board is comprised of at least 10 but not more than 15 members, including two at-large positions and two members with experience in each of the following professions: lawyers, bankers, housing development or construction professionals, certified public accountants, and real estate brokers or agents. Each term lasts two years.
TCRA meetings occur at 7:30 AM on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from January to October. In November and December, meetings change to the first and third Thursdays of the month. Meetings are currently held in hybrid format to allow for either in-person or virtual participation. Interested individuals are invited to observe a meeting during the application period. Information on upcoming meetings and agendas are available here.
The City is committed to creating an equitable and anti-racist community and wants our committees, boards, and commissions to reflect Tacoma’s diversity. For these vacancies, Black and Indigenous community members, people of color, LGBTQ individuals, individuals with disabilities, seniors, immigrants, and refugees are especially encouraged to apply.
Additional information on the Tacoma Community Redevelopment Authority Board is available here.
Applications must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office by end of day Tuesday, February 7, 2023. Application details are available at Questions about the application process, request to receive or submit the application in an alternate format, or to submit additional documents may be sent to the City Clerk’s Office at or (253) 591-5505.
Brian Borgelt says
So, anyone but a straight white man is encouraged to apply?
I never imagined becoming the boogeyman of a perpetual, self-appointed, victim class.
What I remember being annoying as a kid has become outrageous in my adult years.
The war for sanity continues to intensify as drugs and mental illness creep further into all aspects of our lives.
Either we reject the communist lie, or we do the swan-dive into the collective madness of communism, which has destroyed all that it ever touched.
People will leave this state, leaving you with only the takers.
California is desperately pursuing a scheme that keeps their taxing authority attached to anyone who flees the state – like a remote parasite that can suck your blood from afar.
Florida has become a haven for those fleeing the over-taxed New England states.
There is a tipping point where individuals no longer seek improvement and begin to accept mediocrity and despair, hand-in-hand as a collective,
where the bizarre becomes normalized and failure is inevitable.