Local Hero: Brandon Elliot

Brandon is a senior at Harrison Preparatory School in Clover Park School District. He has built a long resume of achievements with CPSD, now serving as the Harrison Prep student body president where he advocates for a strong school community that is equitable, unified and kind.
Brandon serves as part of the Superintendent’s Youth Advisory Council and as co-chair of the City of Lakewood Youth Council, using his impassioned voice and bold ideas to stand behind the students of Lakewood. Brandon has used his platform to recognize the mental health needs of students and address the challenges of his generation head on.
Brandon plans to go to school in Washington state next fall and continue contributing to the community that has given him so much. He has goals of becoming an elected official and continuing his advocacy work through legislative action. Brandon looks forward to the very bright future ahead of him.
National Hero: Ruby Bridges-Hall

Born Sept. 8, 1954, in Mississippi, Ruby Bridges-Hall was the first African American child to desegregate William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana during New Orleans school desegregation in November 1960.
These efforts, among others, paved the way for the broader civil rights movement in the American south.
Ruby is now chair of the Ruby Bridges Foundation, formed in 1999 to promote the values of tolerance, respect and appreciation of all differences. Ruby describes racism as a “grown up disease” and sees her foundation as a force to stop those who will use “children to spread it.”
Hidden Heroes serves to educate our community about the accomplishments and contributions of local, national and international African American and Black leaders. The city of Lakewood’s MLK Committee launched Hidden Heroes in 2019 in cooperation with the Clover Park School District. New leaders are celebrated each week now through February, Black History Month. |