A Clover Park School District story.

Our Promising Futures Friday featured student this week is Lake Louise Elementary School fifth grader Zane Brennan.
Zane loves being a part of Ms. Moore’s fifth grade class and leaps at the chance to learn something new. “My teacher is one of the best teachers I have ever had,” he said. “We get to learn fun stuff every day, and I know we’re all going to do great on our state tests that are coming up.”
A passion for learning, encouraging his classmates and participating in class are qualities that Zane is proud to possess. “I love learning, and I just want to become very smart,” he said. “I’m glad I’m at this school with my friends and my younger siblings, and I hope to be a role model for them.”
Zane’s favorite subject in class is social studies because he loves to learn about the history of the world and how it affects those close to him. “I’ve been learning about my mom’s home state and where she grew up in North Carolina, which was part of the 13 colonies,” he said.
One of Zane’s favorite ways to pass the time outside of school is by learning about trains and collecting model sets. “Trains are the best form of transportation,” he said. “There is a train warehouse where they sell model trains in Milwaukee and my goal is to move there one day.”
After Zane grows up and moves to Milwaukee, he dreams of becoming a professional chef. “My mom is teaching me recipes,” he said. “Yesterday, I made parsley flakes with Italian seasoning, oregano and garlic powder, and it tasted amazing.”