Washington State House Democrats announcement.

On January 9, 2023, as part of the legislative session opening ceremonies, Rep. Dan Bronoske (D-Lakewood)was re-elected by his peers as Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore to help preside over Floor debate during the 2023 session alongside Rep. Tina Orwall (D-Des Moines), who was chosen again as Speaker Pro Tempore.
“Respectful debate and the free exchange of ideas is a vital part of our democracy,” said Bronoske. “Keeping the House floor on task and moving forward ensures that the Legislature can deliver for the people of Washington.”
Bronoske was first elected Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore last year after Rep. John Lovick (D-Lake Stevens), then the Speaker Pro Tempore was appointed to the Senate. As current Speaker Pro Tem Orwall was permanently elected to that role, Bronoske was elected as the first new Deputy Speaker Pro Tem since 2011.
The Speaker Pro Tempore presides over sessions of the House as needed when the Speaker of the House is unable to do so. In this capacity, the Speaker Pro Tem keeps the process running smoothly when lawmakers are debating and voting on legislation on the House Floor.
Bronoske was nominated for the position by Rep. Brandy Donaghy (D-Everett). “Deputy Bronoske is a firefighter. And as such it is imperative that he do his job with a non-biased view and be responsive. Being responsive and non-biased is also very good skill to have when presiding over this chamber.”
In addition to his duties as Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore, Bronoske will serve on the House Labor & Workplace Standards, Health Care & Wellness and Transportation committees this session. He is also a member of the Joint Committee on Veterans’ & Military Affairs.
Great news. He and his cronies Leavitt and Nobles can continue their efforts along party lines to cripple lives for everyday citizens for the sake of enabling criminals rights.
They seem to think that we have forgotten their votes to handcuff our police and judicial system over the past few years. They believe criminals have more rights than we do and do not believe in consequences.
And don’t forget they both voted against or constitutional rights.
Quality of life for Washington citizens is declining swiftly on their watch, while public employees “servants” live quite well with ever-increasing benefits.
Their loyalty is to their party/union, while our Constitution is used as a door mat.
Better wake up Washington before you are disarmed and immobile in a full communist state, where crime is viewed as redistribution amongst the unprivileged.