City of Tacoma announcement.
TACOMA, Wash. – With the adoption of the City of Tacoma’s 2023-2024 Biennial Budget, a new Office of Strategy was established.
“By bringing strategic oversight into a single focused unit, the City is better positioned to achieve the City Council’s overarching policy goals,” said Mayor Victoria Woodards. “This new approach helps us maximize our collective impact and emerge stronger than ever. I look forward to seeing what we are able to achieve together.”
“The Office of Strategy will be responsible for ensuring we have strategic alignment within our organization and with our partners throughout the community,” said City Manager Elizabeth Pauli. “With this new office, we are demonstrating our ongoing commitment to transformative change as we work to better serve the community.”
Embedded within the City Manager’s Office, the Office of Strategy will lead implementation of the City’s overarching strategic plan, Tacoma 2025, as well as develop and support other strategic plans that span multiple City departments such as the Affordable Housing Action Strategy and Community Safety Plan. Continuing to lead strategic initiatives such as the Tacoma Equity Index and the Tacoma Anchor Institution Network, the Office of Strategy will also develop strategic plans addressing City Council priorities when needed.
“Confronting complex challenges is never simple and cannot be done alone. My team and I are excited to create, catalyze, and support strategies to successfully achieve Tacoma’s shared vision in collaboration with City departments, partner organizations, and residents.” said Chief Strategy Officer Jacques Colon, who will lead the Office of Strategy with the support of two strategic initiatives coordinators, Ted Richardson and Chelsea Talbert. “Being strategic about what we do, and how we do it, helps us better address housing and homelessness, safety, jobs, health, access, and trust in local government together.”
In the first quarter of 2023, the Office of Strategy will focus on:
- Releasing and supporting the implementation of an updated Tacoma Equity Index
- Adding an Anti-Displacement component to the City’s Affordable Housing Action Strategy
- Initiating the development of a Community Safety Plan
- Supporting Tacoma Anchor Institution Network efforts to achieve local purchasing, hiring, and place-based investment goals
Updates will be shared on the City’s website, official social media channels and other platforms as they become available.
Will this help with lawlessness, murder and property damage to businesses in Tacoma. I am a native of Tacoma, I travel extensively, now Tacoma is the absolute worst city in the world. In my youth it was the best, thank you Mayor Woodard’s and Tacoma City Council.
To “strategically” continue to do the same things that are failing, is to double down on failure, only with a higher cost component.
You want to help make Tacoma better?
Then enforce the laws on the books; get out of the way of business; keep your hands off our Constitutional rights; and just clean the place up.
If you did half as much twice as well, it would be far better than adding another layer of bureaucracy.
You gotta drop the communist mindset, where you see government as the thing that makes everything else work.
Communism has killed (literally) everything it has ever touched.
Success resides on the other side of that tired old tyrannical doctrine.
A successful city is about it’s contributing citizens, not a government body that advocates for everything but.
Why is this so hard for you?