Washington State Attorney General’s Office announcement.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that Lakewood-based WGS Guns will pay $15,000 for intentionally violating Washington’s high-capacity magazine sales ban.
This is Ferguson’s second enforcement of the ban. Earlier this month, Ferguson filed a lawsuit against Federal Way Discount Guns. That case is ongoing. These enforcement actions are the result of a statewide sweep of gun dealers conducted by investigators in Ferguson’s office.
“Our sweep confirmed that the overwhelming majority of gun retailers in Washington are doing the right thing and complying with the law,” Ferguson said. “We will continue to proactively enforce this law, and take action against anyone who illegally sells high-capacity magazines.”
WGS Guns violated the law approximately two months after the ban took effect, then complied with the law later in the investigation. Ferguson filed an assurance of discontinuance in King County Superior Court that requires WGS Guns to pay $15,000 to the Attorney General’s Office for violating the Consumer Protection Act and attorney’s costs and fees. The maximum penalty for a violation of the Consumer Protection Act is $7,500.
The resolution also requires the store to comply with the law and stop offering high-capacity magazines for sale on its website.
Anyone who suspects a store is selling high-capacity magazines can alert our office by filing a complaint at www.atg.wa.gov/file-complaint.
WGS illegally sold two high-capacity magazines
Approximately two months after the ban took effect, investigators with the Attorney General’s Office visited the store to purchase a 13-round magazine for a Glock 23 pistol and a 15-round magazine for a Glock 22. The clerk told investigators he “would be ringing these up as something else,” and provided the investigator with a false receipt for 9mm jacketed hollow point ammunition instead.
Despite the clear intention in the first visit, in two subsequent visits, staff declined to sell high-capacity magazines to investigators. The investigators returned to the store two more times. During both additional visits, store staff told investigators that high-capacity magazines were not available for sale. The store did not display any high-capacity magazines on the sales floor during any of the investigators’ visits.
Investigators later attempted to purchase unlawful magazines that WGS Guns displays on its website. The store later explained to investigators these online orders could not be completed and canceled them, because it is illegal to sell a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds in Washington.
Today’s assurance of discontinuance also legally requires the store to stop fulfilling online orders for high-capacity magazines and remove the magazines from its website.
Ferguson’s high-capacity magazine sweep
Attorney General investigators visited 25 firearms retailers across Washington to confirm that the retailers were complying with the new law by attempting to purchase the unlawful magazines. The investigators visited a variety of gun retailers in counties across the state: King, Pierce, Snohomish, Thurston, Yakima, Kittitas, Benton and Spokane.
During this sweep, only two retailers did not comply with the law: Federal Way Discount Guns and WGS Guns.
As of July 2022, it is illegal under Washington state law to manufacture, distribute, sell or offer for sale magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Any violation of the high-capacity magazine ban also constitutes a violation of the Consumer Protection Act.
The law does not prohibit the possession of high-capacity magazines, instead focusing prospectively on the supply side.
The evidence that this policy saves lives is overwhelming. One 2019 study from the American Journal of Public Health found that states without high-capacity magazine bans have double the amount of high-fatality mass shootings compared to those that do have bans.
Ferguson started pursuing this legislative reform in 2016. On July 30, 2016, a 19-year-old used an assault weapon and a high-capacity magazine to kill three students and seriously wound a fourth at a house party in Mukilteo. In September 2016, Ferguson stood beside parents of shooting victims, legislators, mayors, police chiefs, and representatives of the faith community and vowed to continue proposing legislation to ban the sale of high-capacity magazines every year until it passed.
Happy feet says
Thank you A.G. Furguson. The only reason for high capacity magazines is to hurt, maim, or kill. I am sick and tired of “gun rights” advocates. My right to not live in fear of some gun toting bozo surely takes precedence.
I have no problem with hunters or guns that aren’t modified. My father was in law enforcement and felt the same way.
Joseph Boyle says
Happy Feet, (Anonymous = do not take comment too seriously),
QUESTION: What do you prefer me to carry if your life & that of your friends & or keep family is threatened “by some gun toting bozo”, a 10 round magazine or 20 round magazine?
There is 1 reason for having a high capacity magazine beyond your gun-hater list of hurt, maim, & kill. The 4th reason you fail to recognize is self defense of the gun owner & the protection of others, like you & your family & friends.
Suggestion = Always wear a bright blood red t-shirt that informs lawful citizens that you do not want them to help save you if they have a magazine larger than 10 rounds
Joseph Boyle (Not anonymous as I am man enough to stand up for my opinion right or wrong.)
Brian Borgelt says
Yeah Bob, you’ve never met a Constitutional right that you saw as anything other than yours to mutilate.
A magazine, high capacity or otherwise, has never harmed anyone.
The drug-fueled maniacs whom you seem to empathize with – well that’s where the problem lies.
All you have to do is look at the toxicology reports of these perps who do mayhem.
I can’t remember the last time I saw your name attached to a major sting operation on the multi-billion dollar illicit drug trade – maybe never.
But then again, that problem is your political opportunity and you know it.
That’s your ticket to the governor’s mansion, bought and paid for by the uber-rich who seek to control the rest of us thru Muppets such as yourself.
Joseph Boyle says
Brian Borgelt,
Your comments regarding Attorney General Bob Ferguson seem a bit harsh, but before you become angry at me for my sharing my opinion, let me hasten to say I agree with everything you say.
The A.G., really knows how to con the public. Ferguson calls his law the Consumer Protection Act.
So let’s take a real look at his Consumer Protection Act.
#1: Abusing law abiding citizens and law abiding independent small business people by focusing on refusing to allow anyone to have or sell firearm magazines larger than a 10 round capacity is just a plain unrealistic and goofy con of the uninformed public.
I am thankful I no longer live in Ferguson’s Communist style state where freedoms are squashed and quashed.
Three reasons for my comment and opinion.
Reason #1: I just ran a stop watch test. It takes me 2 seconds to drop a 10 round or 50 round magazine and instert a fresh fully loaded fresh magazines.
How many lives does hero Ferguson think he is going to save by costing some drug crazed repeat felon he let’s wander the streets suffer a 2 second delay in changing magazines? None is the answer.
Thus there is no consumer protection provided when Ferguson steps on law abiding citizens to gain the uninformed gun-hater vote.
Reason #2: Why does Ferguson and the left wish to create laws to punish law abiding citizens and small businessmen who have a right to protect themselves under the unbrella of our Constitutional Right known as the Second Amendment?
Reason #3: Why is Attorney General Bob Ferguson investigating small business people instead of investigating real criminals, felons, dopers, robbers, and sexual deviants? Once proven guilty, why does he put them back on the street to harm others, again, instead of throwing the key away?
Washington State government is sick.
Joseph Boyle – Former Washington State Resident – 77years.
Brian Borgelt says
Angry Joseph?
No, not toward you.
You should have seen what I wrote before my wife and daughter suggested I tone it down a bit.
Bob Ferguson should have been fired a while ago for meddling in our political process.
The progressive left cares not for the line between legislative and judiciary.
This is what we get with a fool’s democracy – tyranny.
Tom T says
Seems that Ferguson is interested only in “feel good “ legislation that protects criminals and diminishes the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens, because that is what gets him re-elected. He certainly enjoys defunding the police and hamstringing law enforcement.
John Arbeeny says
When guns (or magazines) are made illegal then law abiding citizens will become criminals. This is a perfect illustration of government “letting the exception rule” as we’ve seen with COVID and a host of other government “solutions”. One person uses something irresponsibly so make it illegal for all those who use it responsibly. The proper approach is to “rule by exception”. When most people are responsible deal with the few who aren’t. However, that takes intelligence, research and logic to accomplish, much more so than most governments seem to possess.
Joseph Boyle says
I have a question. Has Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced his new governement magazine “Buy Back Program” yet?
After all Ferguson created a law that punishes honest small business people retroactively making it illegal to sell magazines larger than 10 rounds even though they already, legally relying on the Second Amendment, spent their investment capital buying ithese magazines.
He can start by using the $15,000 he is ripping off WGS Guns after his henchmen proved WGS is now in compliance with his 2A constitutional violation.
Ferguson is so proud, when. he should be ashamed of his attitude and action. What does he want, rip off money or compliance with his 2A violatiion law?. Once you have compliance, the goal is met. Looks like Ferguson is focused on the illicit cash.
Incidentally, WGS, formerly widely known as Welcher’s Gun Shop, has been in business for decades. Mr. Welcher was the victim of what appears to be criminal activity. He disappeared and to my knowledge has never been found. Bob Ferguson apparently doe not care about protecting small business owners.
Back to the topic at hand. That’s right. Ferguson owes every gun dealer in the State of Washington a cash payment for any and all magazines they already have in stock that are larger than 10 rounds. Why should an honest businessman suffer a loss because of Bob Ferguson’s gun-hating Communist style action.
A Ferguson magazine buy back program will support his misguided effort because once he trades his cash for the “illegal magazines” he can destroy the pretend scary magazines that actually harm no one..
It will be interesting to see if because I am using my Constitutional Right to Freedom of Speech, Ferguson uses his misguided and abused power to cause me harm.
Joseph Boyle – A guy with an opinion on each and every subject.
bsn says
“….shall not be infringed.”
All gun laws are unconstitutional. Full stop.
Happy Feet is probably of the ‘my body my choice’ when it comes to abortion, but wants the dirty, non-mRNA shot taker to not get medical care, not allowed in public, and should lose their livelihood.
Liberty requires personal responsibility. Blaming guns for violence is akin to blaming obesity on forks.
Joseph Boyle says
You are on target. Emotion and ignorance causes so many to become gun-haters.
May I repeat your on target phrase? “Blaming guns for violence is akin to blaming obesity on forks.”
Thanks for saying what others are trying to say with such clarity.
Joseph Boyle
Brian Borgelt says
Ferguson and his cronies are already hell-bent on imposing a ban on any firearm he deems unfit for civilian possession.
We told you he was shoving us down a slippery slope, and here we go.
Constitutions be damned!
This guy is a criminal.
Joseph Boyle says
Question to the voting public: Is Attorney General Bob Ferguson knowledgeable and bright enough to understand the “verbal warning” concept after his henchmen proved WGS Guns are in compliance with his freedom busting new law?. Apparently not and in fact Ferguson appears really proud and politically motivated related to his act of ripping off an old established small business owner.
Bob Ferguson, until you an provide armed protection 24 hours a day 365 days a year that protects each and every citizen in the State of Washington from the criminals you let run the streets, I demand that you stop violating our Constitutional Right under the Second Amendment to be armed with a weapon of our choice with the magazine size of our choice..
Joseph Boyle – A guy who obviously does not agree with uninformed gun-hating, politically motivated, U.S. Constitution violators.
Brian Borgelt says
Let this stand as a prelude to what he will do if/when he gets his modern sporting rifle ban slipped into his perverted version of law.
From there, it’s absolute tyranny.