Submitted by CORE.
Great Holiday Gift for everyone on your list!
The Curran Apple Orchard is a 7.33 acre City park located at 3920 Grandview Drive.
There are more than 250 apple trees which are available for adoption each year.
Varieties include Gravenstein, Golden Delicious and MacIntosh.
TREE ADOPTIONS: All adopters are entitled to the apples from their tree for one harvest season.
Adopter names will appear on tree tags each year.
There are two types of adoptions available:
*Pruning Adoptions – $45 (Available December through March 31). Adopters must prune their trees according to orchard guidelines. Free instruction available online as well as from trained volunteers and Master Gardeners. Adopters must also thin and pick up windfalls.
*Orchard Supporter Adoptions – $70 (Available December through July 31). Orchard supporter adoptions are great for people who would like a tree but who are unable to care for the tree themselves. Instead, trained volunteers will prune their tree from January through April. These adopters are still responsible for windfalls and harvest.
*Good Apples – Want to support the orchard without adoping a tree? Be a “Good Apple” by donating an amount of your choice. All donations greatly appreciated!
Tree Adoption forms are now being accepted for the 2023 harvest year. (Visit to download forms). People who adopted a tree last year have first priority on adoptions. Other interested people may submit forms and payment now but will not receive notification until January about their tree assignments.
CORE (Curran Orchard Resource Enthusiasts) is the volunteer group which helps maintain the orchard.
Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings held the first Tuesday of each month at 6pm. For more information, contact