City of Lakewood announcement.

After three years with the Lakewood City Council, Council member Linda Farmer is leaving the city to lead the Pierce County Auditor’s Office as the newly elected county auditor.
At its final meeting of the year, the Lakewood City Council took time to recognize Farmer and her contributions to the city during her elected term. After presenting Farmer with a plaque, members shared well wishes.
“You are professional, you are passionate, you are a people person,” Mayor Jason Whalen said. “You know how to play well in the sandbox. We’ve really appreciated your work with us. It’s been a pleasure to work with you, and it certainly has been a pleasure to serve with you.”
Council member Brandstetter shared: “I’ve always appreciated how good of a listener you are. But more than that, I’ve really appreciated your willingness to take on some of the more difficult things that we had to do. You’re a person who isn’t just here to vote, but you’re a person who is here to stand up.”
Council member Belle thanked Farmer for welcoming her to Council when she joined as its newest member in 2021.
“Your mentorship to me has been beyond measure. I appreciate your guidance on all things from policy and government to just the everyday friendship,” Belle said. “I will miss you here on the dais and I will miss you on the Council. Thank you for making me feel so welcome.”
Council member Paul Bocchi noted he hoped to continue to work with Farmer in her role at Pierce County.
“You’ve been an asset to this Council and therefore an asset to the community,” Bocchi said. “Lots of great ideas, lots of energy that has been very helpful. And really your thorough understanding of what we’re here to do and what we as city can do.”
Deputy Mary Moss: “Linda, I will tell you, there was a missing link in our original council. We were concerned if we were going to carry on and work as well together as we did in the past. And I can say without a doubt, we didn’t miss a beat. We were happy to have you.”
To close out the recognition, Farmer thanked her Council peers for their support.
“This Council, and the three years I spent with you guys, have been truly amazing. I thought that I could give a little something back to Lakewood based on my experience and my years here. But I didn’t even begin to see what collaborative group this was and how we could truly work together.
It’s not always that you can count your elected official colleagues as both respected friends and colleagues. Not all councils have what we have. This is a family. We can all have differing opinions and differing perspectives, but we have the respect and we have the collegial nature to work together and that has been a learning experience. It’s been a very gratifying experience.
I’m still a resident here and I will be in touch.”
Filling the City Council vacancy: With Council member Farmer departing Council before the end of her elected term, the Lakewood City Council will have a vacancy to fill.
Council member Farmer’s resignation become effective Dec. 28, 2022. From that date, the City Council has 90 days to appoint a candidate to fill the vacancy. The appointee will hold the position until the next general election, at which time the position is up for election.
The next general election is November 2023. The person elected at that election will serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
More information will be publicized about the appointment process as it’s made available.