City of Lakewood announcement.

Detour changes
North Gate Road, Edgewood Avenue, and Washington Boulevard (west of Edgewood) reopened to traffic Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 30, 2022, after being closed for nearly four months.
The next closure took effect Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022. This closure will be in place until roughly spring 2023. The closed roads include Vernon Avenue between Kenwood Drive and Moreland Avenue, and Washington Boulevard between Vernon Avenue and Lake City Boulevard. A detour is in place for through traffic.
Local businesses remain open during this closure. Access is granted to customers and residents who live on the closed section of road. Drivers are asked to use caution and please obey all signage.
Construction update
All work North Gate Road, Edgewood Avenue and Washington Boulevard west of Vernon Avenue is complete with the exception of planting shrubs and trees, adding rock in planter strips, striping, and a top lift of asphalt along Washington Boulevard east of Edgewood Avenue. These items will be completed in early spring when temperatures raise to allow for installation.
At the start of the new detour Dec. 1, the contractor removed the traffic signal at the intersection of Washington Boulevard and Vernon Avenue. A temporary closure was in place for this removal which initially impacted drivers trying to access local businesses. Normally local business access is allowed, but was not during the removal of the pole and wires for public safety.
Crews will begin pulverizing the road surface and removing pavement Dec. 2, 2022. Utility construction will follow starting Dec. 5, 2022. Crews are set to install storm drainage and a new water main as part of this construction. This work is expected to last into early February or later, if inclement weather causes delays.

Although this extensive construction has been a pain in the keister, kudos to the City of Lakewood for the frequent updates via the Suburban Times.
When will the new roundabout street lights be turned on? They are very dark, and being a new route makes it difficult to see the new route.
Good use of public funds.