Submitted by Eric Chandler.
That question has been asked by me and many others and has, as yet, failed to be answered satisfactorily by ANY WA State entity.
Who is responsible for this mess?
- Western State Hospital…a state agency that did all of the initial polluting over a period of 65 years.
- Pierce College…a state agency that had a defective sewer system which caused further, intermittent polluting for 40 years.
- City of Lakewood…with the illicit approval of a WA state government agency, has only added to the problem by dumping ineffective chemicals into the lake.
According to Federal and State Law…WA State Department of Ecology has a specifically assigned responsibility under provisions of the Federal Clean Water Act and legislatively enacted RCWs, and legislatively approved WACs to act responsibly when using Ecology’s authority.

Ecology’s Mission in this regard is spelled out in RCW 90.48.010 which states:
“It is declared to be the public policy of the state of Washington to maintain the highest possible standards to insure the purity of all waters of the state consistent with public health and public enjoyment thereof, the propagation and protection of wild life, birds, game, fish and other aquatic life, and the industrial development of the state, and to that end require the use of all known available and reasonable methods by industries and others to prevent and control the pollution of the waters of the state of Washington. Consistent with this policy, the state of Washington [Ecology] will exercise its powers, as fully and as effectively as possible, to retain and secure high quality for all waters of the state.”
So, how is WA State Ecology given authority to take action on polluters? It is through the auspices of The Model Toxic Control Act (MTCA). This is Washington’s Environmental Cleanup Law. “MTCA funds and directs the investigation, cleanup, and prevention of sites that are contaminated by hazardous substances. It works to protect people’s health and the environment, and to preserve natural resources for the future.” In other words, the intention is to PREVENT FURTHER POLLUTION.
Now, let’s look at what happens to a “different” polluter….it was publicized in the media in June 2019 that the WA State Ecology Department announced action on a portion of Bainbridge Island’s Port Blakely coastline to reclaim and make-good an area which had been polluted by a lumber mill that was operational in some fashion from 1864 thru 1922. Ecology wound up requiring the current company, Port Blakely Tree Farms, the modern-version of the company that ran the mill, and the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park District, which acquired the site from the company and now owns the property, for restitution of those tidelands.
Current Status of this endeavor? ”Awaiting Cleanup”. Following is a link to Ecology’s website giving this project’s history
The way Ecology is addressing the Port Blakely situation versus the Waughop Lake case is duplicitous. In the latter case, they are letting the guilty governmental parties (THE POLLUTERS), Western State Hospital (WA Department of Social & Health Services) and Pierce College (WA State Board for Community and Technical Colleges), off the hook for paying for the removal of the polluting product (i.e., 3-ft+ layers of nutrient-dense, phosphorous-laden sediment, and further polluted by Alum Treatments).
Bottom line, DSHS and Pierce College, as State Governmental Entities, Are Responsible For Their Pollution Of Waughop Lake! So why is the WA State Ecology not insisting on pollution remediation (per the MTCA) of this lake?
Obviously Ecology would rather have the City of Lakewood and Pierce County private-property-owners fund a consultant’s prescribed $420,000 alum treatment (PLUS ANOTHER ONE) that will only mask one effect of the pollution and Not Remediate the problem as prescribed in the Federal Clean Water Act, RCW Chapter 90.48, and WAC Chapter 173-226.
However, apparently, if it is a PRIVATE, NON-WA-State-governmental entity that has done or even in some tangible/intangible way associated with the polluting, then the “polluter pays”…even if they were NOT the instigators of said pollution. However, it appears that if the polluter is a WA state agency…the Law Does Not Apply.
In June of 2019 I sent a certified letter to Governor Inslee, covering the above facts, and asking him, especially since he had committed himself to the 2020 Presidential race, acting as an Ecology-conscious candidate, if he could step in and set things right with respect to Waughop Lake.
No answer.
So…what is my point in sending this letter to Suburban Times readers?
I have tried, Tom, Don, and several others have tried to get the right thing done…now it is your turn folks.
As many of you as possible please get the wherewithal to write the Mayor, City Council, and, your state legislators and, yes, even the Governor. Use whatever means of communicating you have…handwritten letter, email, and any-and-all social media to get the word out.
Let us all, as responsible Lakewood citizens, put a stop to this duplicity and get our elected leaders to do what is morally, ethically, and legally correct!
Tom McClellan and I have been asking this same question of the Department of Ecology for the past 23 years that we have been Pierce Conservation District (PCD) supported and equipped citizen volunteer lake water quality monitors for the City of Lakewood. We routinely receive no response to our findings and recommendations from Ecology or the City of Lakewood. As a reward for our and our other volunteer citizen associates 23 year service the City of Lakewood this year has elected to discontinue and defund its PCD citizen volunteer lake water quality monitoring program. Apparently they do not want to be held accountable.
Don & Tom ever thought of inviting the famous Jesse Jones at KIRO 7 news, to put the spell on our sitting GOV & Ecology with all the fact’s that you two have, time spent on this lake to try and bring it back better than before. Ecology is a lame bunch working for the Gov, had these know it all’s at my property for the superfund clean up in north tacoma a few years ago, never was impressed by there skills on the ground, paper pusher’s. Anyway my hat’s off to you two men for all the years of dedication and hard work, don’t give up just yet, your Lakewoods Waughop Lake experts, without your records, experience, dedication and resources this lake will fall even deeper into a slime pool forever. Try and get Jesse interested, just a thought, put some powder in this adventure!!
I agree. There should not be a double standard. One word comes to mind, SUE.
The City of Lakewood should muster the necessary background to overcome their fear and hesitancy to sue Washington State. Alternatively, some other entity or citizen group could sue the State of Washington. The group could be named Lakewood Lakes Matter (LLM) or…
Let the judge decide.
Joseph Boyle – Former Lakewood Resident 51 Years.
Joe….Tom McClellan DID SUE, but it all came to naught because of a WA State Supreme Court Ruling which essentially said….Way to go City of Lakewood & WA State Ecology, because “doing something is better than doing nothing”. Really?
See the flip side of my letter from Tom & Don’s initial “shot across the bow” thru the Sub Times concerning this latest City of Lakewood F-up concerning Waughop Lake. T & D both did an exceptional summary of both past and recent relevant history concerning this mess. Here’s the link to their letter……
Oh yeah , and….take a gander, but let slip into the quarmire, Scott Anderson’s pontificational commentaries. Just a guess….he may be a relative of David Anderson, former Mayor of Lakewood.
EKC – Lakewood Resident for 35 years AND working on this matter since JAN 2019.
I meant to say “backbone” not “background”. Auto populate is not always our friend.
Y’all keep voting and they’ll keep “fixing” things.
Removing the polluted sediment from the lake should be the long term goal. A fund to accomplish this plan could be created. Stop spending on temporary fixes.
Lakewood City Council elections are up in 2023. Why don’t you run for office and change policy? Same officials elected; same political results. This extends not just to Wauhop Lake but a host of other issues. Run for office! If not you who else?
By the way, I ran for City Council twice. Lost in 2001 and won in 2003 and eventually became Deputy Mayor. It should be on your bucket list. If you’re interested it what it takes to win an election just give me a call. I’m on Facebook and I can give you my contact number on message.
How many billion$ of our tax dollars is the state sitting on in surplus at the moment, and for what purpose?
Good question, so I did a Google search to find out……
According to a Pew Trust 10 MAY 2022 report (Budget Surpluses Push States’ Financial Reserves to All-Time Highs) they wrote….. “Washington was the only state to end the budget year with a negative rainy day fund balance after draining its savings of $1.7 billion; however, the state is projected to at least partially replenish its savings over the next several fiscal years”.
So, there was a pot at the end of the rainbow, but it got emptied by the WA state Legislature and our Governor for spend the extra revenue on schools and poverty programs, which is commendable, but……ALL of the surplus?
I think this is a excellent story for Jesse Jones of KIRO 7 News. He knows how to get answers and get things done !!!