Submitted by Rotary Club of University Place-Fircrest.

Five hundred copies of Websters Dictionary for Students were placed in the hands of 500 University Place third and fourth grade students during the week of November 2-8. The books are gifts to the students, who are encouraged to write their names in the book and take it home. For some, it may be the first book of their own.
Dictionaries, and the ability to look up words are essential to improvement of reading skills. This book distribution has been an activity of the Rotary Club of UP-Fircrest for many years, but was delayed for one year by the pandemic. Normally, the books are given to third graders while they are in class.
During presentation of the books in class by Rotarians the students are exposed to the principles of Rotary, which in general include truthfulness, fairness, friendship and service.
Glad to see this project back up.