West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement.
Wondering what to do with that extra hour we’ll have this weekend during Daylight Savings? Change your clocks and check your smoke alarms! This is a great time to test your smoke alarms and change any batteries that may not be working.
Become familiar with your smoke alarms, as not all alarms are the same. Some may have a 10-year battery installed, while others have a 9-volt battery or are hard-wired. No matter which alarms you have, ensuring they are working is crucial.
Do you not have smoke alarms in your home or not enough? Are they more than 10 years old?
We can help! Schedule a smoke alarm appointment, where West Pierce Fire & Rescue personnel will install and/or replace any alarms in your home at no cost to you. Call us at (253) 564-1623 or request an appointment online.